Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > String Methods >

Get ANSI String Method

The Get ANSI String method returns the character string that corresponds to the ANSI code of the character that the charCode argument contains.



For information about the dollar sign, see Usage of the Dollar Sign.

The following table describes the arguments that you can use with this method.



An integer in the rage of 0 through 255 that identifies the ANSI code for a character.


The following example displays the character equivalent for an ASCII code in the range of 65 through 122:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim numb as Integer
   Dim msgtext as String
   Dim out as Integer
   out = 0
   Do Until out
      numb = 75
      If Chr$(numb)> = "A" AND Chr$(numb)< = "Z" _
         OR Chr$(numb)> = "a" AND Chr$(numb)< = "z" then
         msgtext = "The letter for the number " & numb  _
            &" is: " & Chr$(numb)
         out = 1
      ElseIf numb = 0 then
         Exit Sub   
         msgtext = "Does not convert to a character; try again."
      End If
End Sub
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