Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > String Methods >

Set String Comparison Method

The Set String Comparison method specifies the default method for string comparisons to case-sensitive or not case-sensitive. It does not return a value. You must include this method in the general declarations section. Note the following:

  • A binary comparison is case-sensitive. It compares strings according to the ANSI character set. A lowercase letter is different from an uppercase letter.
  • A text comparison is not case-sensitive. It compares strings according to the relative order of characters. The country code setting for your computer determines this order.

Option Compare {Binary | Text}

This statement does not include arguments.


The following example compares the following strings:

  • Jane Smith
  • jane smith

If Set String Comparison is Text, then these strings are the same. If Set String Comparison is Binary, then these strings are not the same. Binary is the default value. To examine this difference, you can run the example, comment out the Set String Comparison method, and then run it again:

Option Compare Text
Sub Button_Click
   Dim strg1 as String
   Dim strg2 as String
   Dim retvalue as Integer
   strg1 = "JANE SMITH"
   strg2 = "jane smith"
   retvalue = StrComp(strg1,strg2)
   If retvalue = 0 then
      'The strings are identical
      'The strings are not identical
      Exit Sub
      End If
End Sub

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