Updating a User Profile for Subcontractors

To update your user profile:

  1. Navigate to the Edit User Page
  2. In the User Information section, complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
  3. In the Contact Information section, complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
  4. Enter a verification phone number.

    See Setting Up a Verification Phone Number for the steps to adding a phone number to TPM for two-factor authentication.

    All users must provide a two-factor verification phone number to enhance their account security.

  5. Optional. In the Notification and Permissions section, select email and date formatting settings.
  6. Select each permission you should have on the application.
    • Only Administrators can assign permissions to other users.
    • Each organisation needs the following permissions assigned to a user at all times:
      • Manage Projects
      • Manage Compliance
      • Sign on Behalf of Company.
    • If you change user roles or permissions after creating the user profile, you will receive an email about the change.

      Note: For more information on additional available user roles and permissions, see the following topics in the online help:

  7. Enter notary information if you assigned yourself the Notarise Documents permission.
  8. If the project uses consent forms, read the attached data collection consent form and select the tick box to signify acceptance of the policy.
  9. Select Save Profile.
  10. When prompted, choose how you want to receive a code to your verification phone number.
  11. Enter the code in the Enter Security Code dialogue box and select Continue.
  12. Select Close to close the dialogue box.

    A Status page confirms your profile has been updated.

You can see more about your user profile in the online help documentation.

Return to the Getting Started tasks on the Oracle Help Centre.

Note: Selecting one of the above links will open the page in a new browser tab.

Next Step: Update your organisation profile.

Last Published Wednesday, May 1, 2024