About Modifying the Work Breakdown

As a Head Contractor or Owner, you enter the budget for a project on the Work Breakdown (WB) page. The WB can include line items further showing the work breakdown.

Only users with a Project Manager role and Manage Projects permissions can edit a WB.

Project Managers have the following budget management options:

Modify WB Amounts

Modify the budget without a variation if the total value of the contract is not changing. The sum of the line items must equal the total contract value. To make changes that add or subtract from the project budget, you must create a variation.

Why Modify a Budget Without Changing the Contract Value?

Modify WB amounts to:


Prime Contract Variations (PCV)

Use PCVs to modify the contract for the entire project. PCVs may represent modifications to multiple line items on the budget.

See Creating a Prime Contract Variation for Head Contractors or Variations for Owners for more information.

Subcontract Variations (SV)

Use SVs to modify individual subcontracts and represent changes made to only that subcontract.

See Creating a Subcontract Variation for Head Contractors for instructions.

Audit Reports

The application allows users to create reports to monitor changes to budget information. Access these reports from the Project Reports menu at the top of any project page.

See Audit Reporting for instructions.