Submitting a Progress Claim for Subcontractors

Before You Begin

Submitting Your Progress Claim

The Billing Workflow guides you through the steps required to submit your claim to a Head Contractor. Available tabs and options are based on project and document settings chosen by the Head Contractor. You can move back and forth between workflow tabs until you proceed to the signing process.

To submit a progress claim to your Head Contractor:

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors

    The first tab you see depends upon project and period settings. Most users will see the Progress tab, unless the project tracks stored material usage.

  2. Conditional based on project settings. When applicable, use the Stored Materials tab to enter details of materials you stored during the current period. When finished, select Save & Continue.
  3. Enter progress billing on the Progress tab and select Save & Continue.
  4. Use the Retention tab to view or bill for retention values. When finished, select Save & Continue.
  5. Conditional based on document settings. Use the Record Sub-Tiers tab to record billing amounts made to Sub-Tier Subcontractors. When finished, select Save & Continue.
  6. Conditional based on project and document settings. When applicable, use the Additional Information tab to capture hours worked or drug test certifications. When finished, select Save & Continue.
  7. Use the Review tab to review your progress claim totals and sign documents before sending your claim to the Head Contractor for approval.

    The Next Steps dialogue box confirms you successfully signed the claim documents and lists your outstanding tasks.