Calculating Payment Due Dates

As a Head Contractor Project Manager, use the Calculate Payment Due Date feature to calculate the date Subcontractors must be paid. The Calculate Payment Due Date setting displays under the HC Project Information section of the Project Settings page.

  1. From the Project Settings page, select the Calculate Payment Due Date tick box to enable the Payment Due Date (PDD) line.
  2. From the Payment Due Date drop-down, choose a trigger to calculate the date payments should be disbursed to Subcontractors:
  3. Period Due Date—The same date that Subcontractor progress claims are due.
    • Period End Date—The bill-through date for all claimed amounts in the period.
    • First Day of Month after Period End Date—The first day of the month following the end of a claims period.
    • HC Progress Claim Approval Date—The date Head Contractor progress claims are due to an on-system Owner. This option is only available when the project is linked to an on-system Owner.
    • Progress Claim Submitted Date—The date a Subcontractor submitted their progress claim.
    • Subcontract Progress Claim Approval Date—The date the Head Contractor approves a Subcontractor Progress Claim.
    • Owner Funding Date—The date an Owner's funding is received. This option is only available if a project uses the Track Owner Funding project setting. See Configuring Owner Funding Settings for information about Owner Funding on the system.
  4. Optional. On the Grace Period (days) field, enter the maximum number of days allowed between the selected trigger and the date Subcontractor payments are due. For example: If a Subcontractor must be paid within 35 calendar days of the Period End Date, enter 35 in the Grace Period (days) field.

    Note: The Contract Maintenance page also includes Payment Due Date settings for the subcontract. Use the Contract Maintenance page to create custom PDD rules for an individual subcontract.

  5. Optional. Select the Allow Payment Due Date Overrides setting to enable users to change the date a Subcontractor payment is due.
    See Overriding Payment Due Dates for more information on how to use this setting.
  6. Choose Save Changes. A Status page confirms the project settings have been updated.

    Note: The Payment Due Date acts as the default on all new subcontracts.
