View Details Project Supplier Tracking Field Overview

Select the View Details button for a classification to see additional information in a table. When on the details version of this page, select a classification from the drop-down list to view more details about that selected business classification goal.

You can also select the icon next to the drop-down list to generate a report.


Lists the name of the Subcontractor and Sub-Tier Subcontractors. The Prime Subcontractor is listed below the Head Contractor and the Sub-Tier Subcontractors nest beneath their Prime Subcontractor. When a Sub-Tier Subcontractor is configured, the Prime Subcontractor amounts will display against Self line. Select the organisation name to view an Organisation Information dialog box.

The Organisation Information dialog box shows the organisation name, name of the organisation who issued the subcontract, contract number, service, organisation type, contract amount, minority status, contract classification (Direct or General Conditions), and the business classifications assigned to the project.

Contract Number

Displays the subcontract number or purchase order number for the Subcontractor.

Contract Type

Displays the type of organisation for the Subcontractor or Sub-Tier Contractor. Organisation types include On-Sys (on system organisations), Manual (organisations not on TPM), and SD Sub (organisations which only use TPM to sign VAT statutory declarations).

Contract Amount

The total amount of the subcontract. For Sub-Tier Subcontractors the Contract Amount can be maintained from the Edit Sub-Tier page.

Paid to Date

The total amount paid to the Subcontractor, including current payments.

Percent Complete

The total percentage of the business classification completed for the organisation. If the percentage does not meet the goal set for the business classification, an alert icon displays.

Commitment Status

States whether the Subcontractor is committed to a set classification goal. When committed, the table will show if the Subcontractor has reached the business classification tracking goal. If the Subcontractor is exempt from the goal, the cell will say No commitment.


Either includes a link to upload a certificate or view an uploaded certificate. You can only upload unencrypted PDF files.


The expiration date for the certificate. If you uploaded multiple certificates, the most recent expiration date displays in the column.