Analyse Goals Project Supplier Tracking Fields

Select the Analyse Goals button for a classification to see additional information about your tracked goals. When on the Analyse Goals version of this page, select a classification from the drop-down list to view more details about that selected business classification goal. Only Subcontractors who have goal commitments will display in the table.


Lists the name of the Subcontractor and Sub-Tier Subcontractors. The Prime Subcontractor is listed below the Head Contractor and the Sub-Tier Subcontractors nest beneath their Prime Subcontractor. When a Sub-Tier Subcontractor is configured, the Prime Subcontractor amounts will display against Self line. Select the organisation name to view an Organisation Information dialogue box.

The Organisation Information dialogue box shows the organisation name, name of the organisation who issued the subcontract, contract number, service, organisation type, contract amount, minority status, contract classification (Direct or General Conditions), and the business classifications assigned to the project.

Applicable Contract Value

The value of the contract multiplied by the % Applied entered on the Details page. This value is compared to the Paid to Date % of Goal value to determine whether an organisation is fulfilling goal commitments.

Goal Percent

The total percentage of the business classification goal the listed organisation committed to completing.


The Applicable Contract Value multiplied by the Goal Percent.

Paid to Date % of Goal

The percentage value of funds paid toward a committed goal.

Paid to Date

The value of funds paid toward a committed goal.

Prime Contribution %

The contributed value a Prime Contractor reported towards a committed goal.

Sub-Tier Contribution %

The contributed value a Sub-Tier Subcontractor reported toward a committed goal.