General Information Settings

Template Name

You can save your project settings as a template if you want to apply your choices to future projects. Enter a name to save the template.

Project Status

Choose to set a project to active or inactive. When a project is set to Inactive, most project actions are not available.

Project Name

The project name. This field is carried over from the previous project setup task (Add Project).

Project Owner

The name of the project owner. This field is carried over from the previous project setup task (Add Project).

Internal Project Number

The internal project number. This field is carried over from the previous project setup task (Add Project).

Project HC Display Name

Select if you want the name of your secondary organisation to display in Emails and within the TPM User Interface (UI). Emails sent to subcontractors will use the display name selected here as the sender's name. The default primary organisation name is used when this setting is not selected.

Project Type

The project type. This field is carried over from the previous project setup task (Add Project).

Project Retention Mode (Optional) 

Choose how the system tracks and manages retention billing settings Choosing a Head Contractor Project Retention Mode automatically applies the same mode to all other project participants. Specify Subcontractor settings under the Retention Settings section.

Australian projects use contract level retention.

Head Contractor Contract Retention Rate

Enter the percentage of retention held on the Head Contractor's progress claim.

Segment ID

Select the Segment responsible for the project; this feature is selected during account setup.

Customer Support Contact Info

Enter the contact information for your contact with Oracle Support.

Enable display of units tick box (Optional)

Choose this setting to allow units of measure and quantity data to display on all eligible pages. When Display Units is selected, all Subcontractors can manage unit-related information on the Enter Progress claim page. Contact your Textura implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.

Enable track owner funding tick box (Optional) 

Select this setting to include an Owner Funding section on the Period Home Page.