Selecting Project Settings for Head Contractors

The Project Settings page is displayed after you have added a project. To select the project settings under the Standard tab:

  1. From the Project Home page, select Project Setup and choose Project Settings.

    The Project Settings page is displayed. The Standard tab of the Project Settings page includes details that should be considered for all projects. You can further customise a project using the Advanced tab.

  2. Select the Standard tab.
  3. Optional. Enter a template name if you want to reuse project's settings as a template for future projects. Certain fields will still need to be filled out when using a template. For example: The Original Contract Value, Project, and Site Information are unique to each project. See topic Adding a Project for how to use a template when creating a project.
  4. Select a project status. When a project is set to Inactive, most project actions are not available.
  5. Select the project setting you want to use. All required settings are marked with a red asterisks.
  6. Optional. Review and edit project documents.
    1. Select the Documents section.
    2. Review the documents.
    3. To make changes, select the Manage Documents button. From the dialog box on right, select the changes you want to make. You can select a different document, select the Download button to view the document, or change the option to select if notary is required or not. In addition, you can choose to filter the documents specific to your organisation. For more information, see topic Document Settings.
  7. Select Save Settings.

    A Status page confirms the project setting have been saved.

To select the settings under the Advanced tab, see topic Customising Advanced Project Settings, for settings under the TPA tab, see topic Editing TPA Project Settings.

Note: Some fields under the HC Project Information section are carried over from the Add Project page: Project Name, Project Owner, Project Type, and Internal Project.