Date Tracking Settings

Project Duration

The dates entered in the Project Duration section roll over from the details entered in the +Add Project dialog box. If the timeline of a project changes, you can accommodate the change in the Current Estimated Start Date and Current Estimated Completion Date fields. The Original Estimated Start Date and Original Estimated Completion Date cannot be changed.

Method to calculate due dates

Choose an option for how TPM will calculate due dates. There are two options: Calendar Days and Custom Calendar. The Custom Calendar option is selected by default if your organisation has at least one custom calendar saved to the Organisation Settings page.

Selecting the Custom Calendar option displays a Custom Calendar Days drop-down list. This list includes all custom calendars Enterprise Administrators in your organisation created and saved on the Organisation Settings page. After you select the calendar you wish to use for the project, TPM will calculate deadlines based on the working and nonworking days specified in the calendar.

Owner Approval and Payment Deadlines

Capture Progress claim Date from Head Contractor to Owner tick box

Select this tick box to enable the Track Period Deadlines feature. The Track Period Deadlines page is displayed on the Period Home page and in the Project Home page, under the Period drop-down menu. The options you select here are used to calculate the dates on Track Period Deadlines page. For more information, see topic Track Period Deadlines.

Use progress claim approval deadline

Select how you want to calculate the deadline for when the Owner must send a progress claim response to the HC.

Use payment due date (PDD)

Select how you want to calculate the deadline for when the Owner should disburse payments to the HC.

Subcontractor Progress claim Approval and Payment Deadlines

Send email reminders for unsubmitted progress claims

Use progress claim approval deadline tick box

Select this setting to track Subcontractor Progress claim Approval due dates.

Send email reminder (number) days before Progress claim Approval Deadline

This field is editable if the Progress claim Approval Deadline is enabled. Enter the number of days before the Progress claim Approval Deadline you want to send emails to progress claim approvers reminding them that a progress claim is awaiting approval.

Use payment due date (PDD) tick box

Select this setting to generate the date a payment should be disbursed to Subcontractors.

Allow Payment Due Date Override tick box (Optional)

Select this setting to allow a manual override of the date a Subcontractor payment is due.

When you use the Allow payment deadline dates to fall on a specific date organisation setting and you also choose either a Base Date or Base Offset Day(s), you cannot interact with this setting. It is automatically ticked. You will also see one of the following messages, depending on your chosen Payment Due Date organisation setting: