Payment Hold Settings


Require Variation Compliance tick box

Choose this setting to automatically place holds on payments to any Subcontractor out of compliance with allocated variations. Contact your Textura implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.

Progress Claim

Track Negative Progress Claim tick box

Choose this setting to automatically place a hold on payments to Subcontractors who submit negative progress claims.

Track Overbilled Contracts tick box

Choose this setting to automatically place holds on payments to any Subcontractor with a billed amount greater than the current contract value.

Track Progress claims with Stored Materials tick box

Choose this setting to automatically place holds on payments to any Subcontractor with billed stored materials.

Track Split Payments tick box

Choose this setting to automatically place holds on payments to any Prime Subcontractor who has a split payment. A Project Manager must manually release Progress claim Holds on the Edit Payment Status page.

Track Failed Progress claim Exports

Choose this setting to place automatic holds on all progress claims that are exported. The hold is automatically released when an export receipt is received from the ERP. This setting is available to Head Contractors for projects that have ERP receipts enabled. Head Contractors can use the Edit Payment Status page to manually release this hold. This setting is displayed only if it has been enabled by your Textura administrator.

Statutory Declaration

Hold Payment for missing prior period unconditional statutory declarations tick box

Choose this setting to require the system to place a hold on payments for any Subcontractor missing Sub-Tier Subcontractor and Material Supplier statutory declarations from a previous period.

Hold Payment for missing current statutory declarations tick box

Choose this setting to require the system to place a hold on payments for missing Sub-Tier statutory declarations, and then select from four options: