Enter Progress Claim Error Overview

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Error Code

Error Message

Error Meaning

How to Resolve


Retention requested: XXX.XX cannot exceed retention previously held: XXX.XX

The value entered in the Request This Period section of the retention table is greater than the total amount of retention previously held.

See Billing for Retention.

Review the value in the Request This Period section and ensure it is between 0 and the amount of retention previously held.


Retention this period: (XXX.XX) must be between XXX.XX and 0.00 inclusive

The value in the Held This Period section of the retention table is greater than the total value of the progress claim.

Review the value in the Held This Period section and ensure it is between 0 and the value of the progress claim.


Total retention balance: XXX.XX must be greater than or equal to total retention previously held: XXX.XX

The value in the Held To Date section of the retention table is less than the value in the Held Previous section

Review the value in the Held This Period section, and ensure it is not a negative value.


Billed to date exceeds scheduled value: XXX.XX by: XXX.XX

The value in the Total Completed and Stored To Date column of the highlighted line is greater than the total scheduled value for that line under the contract.

Review the % Complete column and ensure that the line is being claimed at or below 100% complete.


Payment to date exceeds scheduled value: XXX.XX by: XXX.XX

The value in the Work Completed Previous Amt column of the highlighted line is greater than the total scheduled value for that line under the contract.

Review the Edit Billings tab of the Work Breakdown page and ensure that it is not out of balance.

See Reallocating Billings to a New Line Item.


Contract total billed amount: XXX.XX exceeds contract scheduled value: XXX.XX

The total value claimed exceeds the total value of the contract.

Review the Totals line of the % Complete column and ensure that the column does not exceed 100% complete.

Note: This error is often caused by a claim being submitted against all positive lines, but a negative variation/backcharge being unbilled. Try including claims against negative variations to bring totals back to 100%.


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Total payment to date exceeds scheduled value

The sum of the values in the Work Completed Previous Amt columns of a set of linked lines (a component) is greater than the total scheduled value for those lines under the contract.

Review the Edit Billings tab of the Work Breakdown page for the overpaid component and ensure that it is not out of balance.


Total billed to date exceeds scheduled value

The sum of the values in the Total Completed and Stored To Date columns of a set of linked lines (a component) is greater than the total scheduled value for those lines under the contract.

Review which lines are linked as components from the Modify WB page and ensure no single component is overbilled.

Note: This error is often caused by a claim being submitted against all positive lines of a component, but a negative variation/backcharge being unbilled. Try including claims against negative variations to bring totals back to 100%.


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Unit Price: XXX.XX * Quantity: XXX.XXXX must be > 0 when Scheduled Value: XXX.XX > 0

The line has a positive total value, however either the unit price or the quantity for the line (but not both) has a negative value.

Review the Unit Billing values on the Modify WB page and ensure the unit price and quantity are both positive values.


Unit Name is required

Line has Unit Billing enabled, however no name has been entered to describe the unit.

Review the Unit Billing information on the Modify WB page and ensure each unit has a name.

See About Modifying the Work Breakdown.


Contract billings should be limited to range from zero to component value

By default, TPM only allows claims of $0 or above, however the total claim value entered is negative.

Review the claim values, and adjust it to a non-negative number.

Need to submit a negative claim? Contact Oracle Support for assistance.


Retention request must be between 0 and previously held

The value entered in the Request This Period section of the retention table is either greater than the total amount of retention previously held, or less than zero.

Review the value in the Request This Period section and ensure it is between 0 and the amount of retention previously held.


Retention requested: XXX.XX cannot exceed retention previously held: XXX.XX plus retention held this period: XXX.XX

The value entered in the Request This Period section of the retention table is greater than the total amount of retention previously held plus the amount of retention held in the current period.

Review the value in the Request This Period section and ensure it is between 0 and the total amount of retention held on the contract.


Total retention requested: XXX.XX cannot exceed total retention previously held: XXX.XX plus total retention this period: (XXX.XX)

The value entered in the Request This Period section of the retention table is greater than the total amount of retention previously held minus a negative retention value held in the current period.

Review the value in the Request This Period section and ensure it is between 0 and the total amount of retention held on the contract.


Billed to date XXX.XX must not exceed approved contract value XXX.XX

The total value claimed exceeds the total value of the contract.

Review the Totals line of the % Complete column and ensure that the column does not exceed 100% complete.


The subcontract's Work Breakdown is Out of Balance. The WB must be corrected.

The totals on the Subcontractor's Work Breakdown do not match approved contract values.

Review the Subcontractor's WB and ensure that all Working Totals are equal to Totals.