Set Up Document Requirements Fields

Standard Tab


Shows the name or description of the required document.

Applies to Sub Tiers

Indicates whether the requirement applies to Sub-Tiers


Shows the consequence for the Subcontractor if the document is out of compliance:

Track Expiration

Shows whether the requirement has expiration date. The document is considered out of compliance when it expires.

(Optional) Expiration Notices

Indicates when expiration warnings may be sent

(Optional) Disable Electronic Submission

Shows whether a Subcontractor can submit the document through the system.

Subcontractor Instructions

Shows any extra submission instructions for a document. These instructions also display on the Edit Document Status page and system-generated compliance emails.

Recurring Requirements


Shows the name or description of the required document.

Applies to Sub Tiers

Indicates whether the requirement applies to Sub-Tiers.


Shows the consequence for the Subcontractor if document is out of compliance:

First Due Date

Indicates the first date the document must be submitted. The system starts tracking the requirement from this date forward.


Shows when document must be submitted:

Repeats Every

Shows how often the document must be submitted. Options in the drop-down are based on the Repeats choice.

End Date

Shows the last date the document must be submitted.

(Optional) Disable Electronic Submission

Indicates whether a Subcontractor can submit the document through the system.

Subcontractor Instructions

Shows any additional submission instructions for a document. These instructions also display on the Edit Document Status page and system-generated compliance emails.