Setting the Order of PDF Documents in a PDF Archive

To set the order of PDF documents when generating a PDF archive:

  1. From the Generate Document Archive page, select your required documents and select the Generate PDF Archive button.

    A Generate PDF Archive dialogue box displays.

  2. In the dialogue box, select the Document Order... button.

    The dialogue box changes to a Document Order dialogue box.

    • By default, documents are ordered by organisation.
    • All organisations working on the project display in this list, even if you did not select a document from an organisation to include in the collated PDF. This is a project-level configuration and your print order will save across all periods.
    • Select the name of a Prime Subcontractor to expand the line so you can see a list of Sub-Tier Subcontractors.
    • Use the tabs at the top of the dialogue box to order documents by organisation, followed by document type.
  3. In the Document Order dialogue box, you can:
    • Drag and drop each document row into your desired order.
    • Use the cog menu.
      1. Hover your cursor over the Print Order column for the document row.
      2. Select the cog menu to see a drop-down list of movement options.
      3. Select where you would like to move the document: to the top, up, down, or to the bottom.
    • Select a document number and manually type a new number in the field.
  4. Select the Document Type Order tab to choose the order documents will display under each organisation in the collated PDF.
    • Use the same tools listed in Step 3 to arrange the listed documents in your preferred order.
    • Similar to listed organisations, this tab includes all document types available on the project, even if you did not select that document type for this archive. Your set order will save across all periods.
  5. Select the Save button.

    The dialogue box closes and you return to the Generate PDF Archive dialogue box.