Track Offline Witness Table Fields for Main Contractors


The name of the Subcontractor organisation who uploaded an offline notarised document for review.


The name of the subcontract belonging to the Subcontractor.

Period Number

The number assigned to a period.

Period Due Date

The date Subcontractor payment applications were due for the period.

Document Type

The type of document that was notarised offline. Document types include payment applications, VAT invoices, and additional documents.

Date Bypassed

The date you the Subcontractor bypassed electronic notarisation. This is also often the date they electronically signed the document in TPM.

Date Uploaded

The date you or the Subcontractor uploaded the notarised document to TPM.


Shows the current status of the uploaded document. You can see if the Subcontractor still needs to upload a document, whether it is awaiting your Main Contractor approval, and if you approved or rejected an uploaded document.

Each status is also represented by a color. For example: Documents which were not yet uploaded display a Not Received Status in red while uploaded documents awaiting your Main Contractor approval show a Pending Approval status in blue.


Options here depend upon whether or not you or the Subcontractor already uploaded a document. If a document still needs to be uploaded, you can select the Upload button to upload a file from this page. Once you have uploaded a document, the status will change from Not Received to Pending Approval in the Status column.

Before you upload a file, you can select the download button to download a copy of the unsigned document. After you or the Subcontractor upload a file, you can choose to either download a copy of the uploaded file or the original, unsigned document from this button.

When there is an available, uploaded document, you will see a Review button. Use this button to either approve or reject it.