Releasing a Manual Organisation Level Hold

To release a manual organisational hold:

  1. Access the Subcontracts by Organisation page for the organisation on hold.
  2. From the Subcontracts by Organisation page, choose the Manage Organisation Level Hold link. A Manage Hold dialogue box displays. The Hold Details section will list the changes that triggered the hold.
  3. In the Manage Hold dialogue box, select the Notify Subcontractor tick box.
  4. (Optional) Enter a comment to include in the notification.
  5. Choose the Release button.

    The hold is removed from all contracts you have with the Subcontractor. If you selected Notify Subcontractor, TPM will send a notification.

    Note: If a Subcontractor is on both automatic and manual organisation hold, the Hold Details section of the Manage Hold dialogue box will list the changes that triggered the automatic hold and any private comments included in the manual hold.