Setting Up Notice of Lending Tracking on a Project

The Notice of Lending settings are only available if the organisation enabled notice of lending for TPA projects on the My Organisation Settings page. If default settings were configured on the My Organisation Settings page, the Notice of Lending settings may be set up automatically.

To set up Notice of Lending tracking on a project:

  1. Navigate to the Project Settings page.
  2. Select the TPA tab.
  3. Select the Track Notice of Lending tick box to require forms from a Notice of Lending Organisation on the project.

    Note: TPA Programmes with default settings configured will populate the Notice of Lending settings automatically.

    Contact your Textura implementation team to discuss the Notice of Lending settings and their impact on the TPA.

  4. Choose Save Settings.
    • A Status page confirms the project settings have been updated.
    • The Notice of Lending Document will be generated as an internal-only conditional compliance requirement.
    • The Notice of Lending Organisation will receive an email with a link to the Notice of Lending Document when a Subcontractor enrolls in the TPA for the project.
    • The Notice of Lending Organisation must submit a Notice of Lending form for each Subcontractor that enrolls in the TPA.

      Note: A Subcontractor is on hold until the document is submitted and the Main Contractor marks the compliance requirement as Received.