Manage VAT Invoices Table Fields Overview for Main Contractors


Shows the Subcontractor or Sub-Tier name. Each Subcontractor name includes a + (plus symbol). Select the + (plus symbol) to see a menu with links to add a Sub-Tier, edit a Sub-Tier, and manage VAT Invoices across all Periods for a single organisation.

SC Number

Stands for Subcontract Number. This column displays the subcontract number or purchase order number. Select the contract number for an on-system Subcontractor to see the Contract Status page.

Org Type

Shows the role the organisation plays on the project.


Shows the description of the subcontract.

Notice Date

Displays the date the Main Contractor recorded a VAT Invoice from the Subcontractor.

Notice Amount

Shows the amount of the VAT Invoice.


Includes a link to the VAT Invoice uploaded from the Edit Sub-Tier page.

Final VAT Invoice

Displays the Period to Date for the period the Main Contractor marked as Final for the organisationFor contracts that are billed and paid on the application, this field is automatically populated with the most recent Period to Date.

Included in Period

Indicates whether the organisation is included in the period. The availability of the tick box in this column depends upon the organisation type.

Sub-tiers are marked as Included in Period if their parent is included in the period and the child has been included in a prior period and does not have a final VAT Invoice recorded. If a Due on Site date is entered, then the Sub-Tier is automatically included only if the Due on Site date is before the Period to Date, and there are no final VAT Invoices recorded.

Note: To automatically include VAT Invoice Only (VAT Sub) and Manual (Manual Sub) Sub-Tiers in a period each time you invite their parent organisation, you can turn on the Include all VAT invoice only and manual sub-tiers in period if their on-system parent is included in a period project setting. This setting is turned on by default.

See Period Settings for information on this and several other period-related project settings.

VAT Invoice Amount

Shows the amount of the VAT Invoice.

Release Date

Shows the date VAT Invoices were released.

Total of Payments to Prime Subcontractors

Shows the total amount paid to Subcontractors and Manual Contractors who have contracts with the Main Contractor on the project. This displays under the table.

Total of Payments to Sub-Tier Subcontractors

Shows the total amount paid to Sub-Tier Subcontractors and Suppliers on the project. This displays under the table.