Working With the DocWriter Library Page

DocWriter Working With Image for AUS and EU

  1. Document Search: Find specific documents available to your organisation based on your unique search input.
  2. Filters: Apply filters to the document table. Select the Filter button to open a Filters panel on the side of the page. In the panel, you can select your filter criteria by either selecting the associated tick box. Some filters require you to further define constraints. When available, choose additional options from the drop-down list.
  3. Document Table: By default, the table lists all documents available to your organisation in order of creation with newer documents appearing at the top of the list. There are seven columns in total:
    • Type: The way a document is classified on TPM. Document types include VAT invoice (VAT), payment application, and payment certificates.
    • Created On: The date the document became available for use in TPM. All legacy documents have the same date. Newer documents created by your Textura representative have different dates.
    • Created By: The name of the individual who created the document. Generic documents available to all organisations list Textura-Legacy as the creator. Documents created by your Textura Representative list Textura Administrator as the creator.
    • Document Name: The name of the document.
    • Template ID: A number used to identify the document in TPM. The template ID is based on order of creation and is useful for Support if you need to contact Textura for help.
    • Status: The current status of a listed document.
      • Draft: An Editor has begun to create a document but has not yet proceeded to push the document forward to the Reviewer. At this time, Document Editor is not yet available so you will not see this status.
      • Legacy: The document is a generic document available to all organisations.
      • Review: The Editor has completed drafting the document and sent it forward to the review stage. The Reviewer will look at the document and either approve or reject it. When approved, the document moves forward to the publishing stage. At this time, Document Editor is not yet available so you will not see this status.
      • Published: The Publisher chose to publish the document. The document is now available to use on any project where you organisation acts as the Main Contractor.
    • Actions: Includes icons for actionable items on the page.
  4. Preview Icon: Preview a document with project information. Select the icon to open a Preview panel on the side of the page.