Updating Sub-Tier Details for Subcontractors

To update Sub-Tier details from the Edit Sub-Tier page:

  1. From the Manage VAT Invoices or the View VAT Invoice Status page, choose the Edit Sub-Tier link from the drop-down next to the Prime Subcontractor under which the Supplier should appear.
  2. From the Project drop-down list, select the project related to the Sub-Tier you want to edit.

    Once you select a project, the Contract drop-down list populates with existing subcontracts.

  3. From the Contract drop-down list, select a contract.
  4. Update Sub-Tier contract details:
    • Contract Number: Enter a contract ID number for the contract.
    • Services: Describe the service the Sub-Tier provides.
    • Tax ID: Update the organisation's VAT number.
  5. Select the Update button.


The following fields are informational fields and cannot be edited: