User Roles List for General Contractors

Enterprise Administrator

Update organization information (including bank information), create and update secondary organizations, confirm project participation, manage interface permissions, create new users, and assign any permissions to any user.

Local Administrator

Confirm project participation, create new users (except Enterprise Administrators), and assign most permissions to users who are not Enterprise Administrators. Local Administrators cannot assign the Disburse Project Funds, Disburse Enterprise Wide Funds, Manage TPA, Manage Owner Funding, Manage TPA permissions, or Manage Interface permissions.

Regular User

Once assigned to a project, perform actions based on assigned user permissions. Regular Users cannot update their own permissions or project assignments. Enterprise and Local Administrators select user permissions and give project assignments to a Regular User.

View Only

Review documents and review the project status. View Only users cannot perform actions on the application. Ensure that you have also selected the View All Organization Projects user permission. You can then assign a user as a Project Manager or Compliance Manager for the project you want to give them the View Only user role.