Contract Status for Owners

The Contract Status page shows the details of a single contract. Contract Status pages are also displayed for both General Contractors and Subcontractors.

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Summary Section


Displays the General Contractor or Subcontractor's name and acts as an organization lookup. To look up an organization, enter its name to look up contracts with that organization. You can use this field to select another General Contractor or Subcontractor. When entering an organization's name, the auto-complete feature will list matching on-system organizations. Selecting an organization will populate the project drop-down.


This drop-down field displays the project name. You can use this field to select another contract with this organization. 

Below the project, a message will display the draw context.


The location and phone number of the organization


The contract number and description of the contract

Vendor ID

A number assigned in an accounting package to identify the organization

Contract Comment

An optional comment included as a message on the contract. This is a view only field, you can edit this comment on either the Contract Maintenance, Edit Payment Status, or Owner Funding Entry page.

Discount Terms

Cash discount settings include the discount rate (%), number of days the contract must meet to trigger the discount, and the trigger date

Summary Amounts

Contract Amount

Approved Invoices


Items not Exported

Pending and Paid Draw Tables


Period To Date

The end date for the draw.


The payment method (ACH, Manual Check, etc.)

Gross Invoice

The total amount the organization billed.


Retention held against the invoice.

Net Invoice

The total invoice minus the retention.


Tax held against an invoice.



Payment status; choose the Manage link to view the Edit Payment Status page.


Displays draw comments associated with the selected draw. Displays the holds which are active on this invoice.


Documents included in the draw are listed: Invoice, Lien Waiver, Sworn Statement, and View Uploaded Files.

Contracts with Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) Programs

The Contract Status page shows TPA in the Method column. It also includes a Funded column. It reflects that a Subcontractor participates in the TPA.


Displays TPA.


Shows the amount paid to the Subcontractor once the invoice is funded.

Funded Date (part of the expanded view)

Displays the effective date of funding (the date the Subcontractor was paid).

Note: The Lien Waiver signature is released after the Subcontractor receives payment.


The Status column will include more statuses for TPA projects.


Before Disbursement

After Disbursement

After an Invoice is Funded

After Maturity

Awaiting, Received, Rejected, or Approved




See Manage Textura Payment Accelerator Programs or Contact your Textura implementation team to learn more about Textura Payment Accelerator Programs.

Expanded View

If the Expanded View option is selected, the Draw section will include:


The number entered by the user entering an invoice.


The check number (for manual payments).

Date Paid

The date the organization is paid.

Invoice Export

Date the invoice was exported to the accounting system.

Payment Export

Date the payment was exported to the accounting system.

Paid Draw

Includes all draws the organization previously participated in for the project.

Change Orders Table

Change Orders

Change order number.

Date Entered

Date the change order was added to the project.

Change Order Date

Date for accounting purposes.


Draw the change order affects.


Name of the change order.


Change order description.


Amount changing the project.

Total COs to Date

The amount of all change orders to date.

Adj. Contract

The contract total including change orders.

Contacts Table


User's name.


User's company title.


User's role on the system.


User's email address for the system.


User's contact numbers.