Manage Textura Payment Accelerator Programs

Enroll a project in a Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) to offer accelerated payment to Subcontractors through a third-party funder for a modest Subcontractor fee.

  1. Contact your Textura implementation team to set up a TPA.
  2. Assign the Manage TPA permission to a user on the Edit User page
  3. Select TPA settings on a project
    • A TPA Manager can use the TPA tab of the Project Settings page to add a project to a Textura Payment Accelerator.
    • Once a program is selected and saved, a TPA Manager can use the tab to select TPA project settings
  4. Optional Set up Notice of Lending tracking

    Note: The Track Notice of Funding page is also used by Notice of Lending Organizations.

  5. Optional. Use an organization TPA override to block TPA enrollment for a Subcontractor
  6. Manage TPA Subcontracts.
    • A Subcontractor's TPA Status and TPA Rate display on the Subcontract Listing and Contract Maintenance pages.
    • The Contract Status page shows TPA in the Method column. It also includes a Funded column.
    • The Manage Invoices page shows TPA in the Payment Type column.
  7. Disburse TPA Payments.
    • When an Authorizer uses the Authorize Payments page to provide a disbursement authorization for a TPA payment, the Payment Method column displays TPA for subcontracts enrolled in the TPA program. The Funded column will indicate when the TPA payment is funded.
    • When a Disburser uses the Manage Draw Payments page to make a TPA payment, the Payment Method column displays TPA for subcontracts enrolled in the TPA program.

      Note: A Disburser can choose a different payment method on the Edit Payment Status page. The TPA Payment Method cannot be selected again once another payment option is selected.

    • When a Disburser uses the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page to make a TPA payment, TPA payments are called out in the summary and the Payment Type column displays TPA for subcontracts enrolled in the TPA program.
  8. Review TPA maturity payments.