TPA Project Settings

Program Name

Shows the TPA configuration the project uses

Auto Enroll Subcontractors

Indicates whether Subcontractors on the project are offered the TPA

Maturity Interval

Shows the number of days between a General Contractor's disbursement of a TPA payment and the automatic Funder repayment. The maximum interval is 120 days. The length of the interval may impact the program pricing.

Allow Invoices with Retention

Invoices with retention are eligible for TPA payment

Allow Retention-Only Draws

Invoices for retention-only draws are eligible for TPA payment

Note: If invoices for a retention-only draw should be eligible for a TPA payment, the Allow Invoices with Retention and the Allow Retention-Only Draws settings must both be selected.

Allow Final Invoices

Final invoices are eligible for TPA payment

Override TPA funding program settings check box

When creating a TPA program, the funding cutoff date is the window of time the TPA must be funded in, lest the invoice funding reverts to ACH for the draw. This setting allows project TPA cutoff values to differ from program defaults.

  1. Choose a Funding Cutoff Base Date:
    • Draw Period To Date
    • Invoice Approval Date.
  2. In the Base Date Offset (Days) field, enter the number of days to offset the chosen funding cutoff base date.
  3. In the Subcontractor Cutoff Extension (Days) field, enter the number of additional days the Subcontractor's invoice has for funding if the Subcontractor accepts an extension on payment.

    Contact your Textura implementation team to discuss the following settings and their impact on the TPA:

    • Invoice Submit Deadline Text
    • Invoice Funding Deadline Text
    • Project Pricing Offset
    • TPA Pricing Structure
    • TPA Pricing Buckets
    • Track Notice of Lending
      See Notice of Lending for more on how General Contractors can manage Notice of Lending compliance with TPA.
    • Notice of Lending Contract Multiplier
    • Notice of Lending Organization
    • Notice of Lending Document

      See Manage Textura Payment Accelerator Programs for more on Early Payment ProgramTextura Payment Accelerator Program