Standard Tab Fields Overview


The name or description of the required document.

Applies to Sub-Tiers 

Requires Subcontractors and Sub-Tiers (all levels) to submit the document.


The consequence for the Subcontractor if the document is out of compliance.

Choose from:

Track Expiration

The way the application tracks the expiration of a document requirement.

Expiration Notices

Choose when to send additional warnings.

Disable Electronic Submission

An option to disable electronic submission of compliance documents when originals are required.

Subcontractor Instructions

User-entered submission instructions for a document. Subcontractors will see the instructions on the Edit Document Status page and system-generated compliance emails.

Default Status

The default status of a requirement. Once you save settings, you cannot change the default setting. Manually change the document status to Not Received on the Edit Document Status page to trigger compliance enforcement for Subcontractors.

Choose either: