Conditional Tab Fields Overview


The name or description of the required document.

Applies to Sub-Tiers

Requires Subcontractors and Sub-Tiers (all levels) to submit the document. Conditional requirements cannot be applied to Manual or Lien Waiver Only (LW Subs) Sub-Tiers.


The consequence for the Subcontractor if the document is out of compliance.

Choose from:

Condition Type

Select a condition to trigger compliance enforcement.

Choose from:

Condition Rules

Define the condition selected in the Condition Type column. The Contract Retention % Reduction and Full and Final rules are not editable.

Disable Electronic Submission

An option to disable electronic submission of compliance documents when originals are required.

Subcontractor Instructions

User-entered submission instructions for a document. Subcontractors will see the instructions on the Edit Document Status page and system-generated compliance emails.