Recording Progress for General Contractors

Before you Begin:

Approve Subcontractor invoices before creating your invoice. Ensure all required Subcontractor invoices have been received and approved or rejected. If you send your invoice for approval before approving a Subcontractor's invoice, the Subcontractor will be excluded from the draw.

Recording your Progress

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow
  2. Select the Progress tab.
  3. Choose a line to bill against. Your total lines may be pre-filled with your Subcontractor invoice amounts based on your project settings. You can select a cell to overwrite the amount.
    1. Enter a dollar amount in the Work  This Period column for each line item.
    2. Optional. To bill based on percentage, update the % Complete columnThe Work This Period  field shows the dollar amount. Note: If you are using Unit Price Billing, see Configuring Unit Billing to enter invoice using unit amounts instead of dollar amounts.
    3. Optional. Enter the dollar amount of material stored between the draw Period From and Period To dates in the Material Stored This Period field.
    4. Review the value in the Net This Period.
  4. (Optional) To use the Bill Full and Final option:
    1. From the More menu, select Contract Level Changes.
    2. From the Contract Level Changes dialog box, select the Bill Full & Final check box.

      TPM automatically calculate all line items at 100% work completed, reduces retention to 0%, and request all previously held retention.

    3. Select Save.
  5. (Optional) Add comments to a line for later review or as a message to an on-system user.
    1. From the Description of Work column, select the Comment icon for a line item.
      A Comments and History dialog box displays.
    2. In the Comment text box, enter text.
    3. Select OK.
      The dialog box closes and the Comment icon is shaded blue to indicate that a comment is associated with the invoice line.
  6. Select Save & Continue to move to the next tab in your Billing Workflow.
