6 Pricing Design Center Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter provides instructions for Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) 11.2 post-installation tasks.

Post-Installation Tasks for the Complete PDC Software Install

After installing the complete PDC software, do the following:


Ensure that the BRM-PDC integration is enabled. See "Enabling BRM-PDC Integration" for more information.

Additionally, do the following if you are not migrating the existing BRM pricing data to the PDC database:

  • Clean up sample Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) data. See "Cleaning up Sample BRM Data" for more information.

  • Run the SyncPDC utility. Run SyncPDC to synchronize the setup components defined in other BRM components with PDC. See "Running SyncPDC" for more information.

  • (Optional) Create prerequisite setup components such as balance elements. See PDC User's Guide for more information. For a quick start, load sample balance element IDs and ratable usage metrics (RUMs) provided with PDC. See "Loading Sample Data" for more information.

  • Create a service-event map in the PDC UI. See "Creating Service-Event Maps" for more information.

Creating a PDC User

If you want to create additional PDC users, you must create the PDC users after the installation is complete.

To create a PDC user:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure section, click the Security Realms link.

    The Summary of Security Realms page appears.

  3. Click the myrealm link.

    The Settings for myrealm page appears.

  4. Click the Users and Groups tab.

  5. Click the Users subtab.

  6. Click New.

    The Create a New User page appears.

  7. Do the following:

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the PDC user.

    2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a brief description for the PDC user.

    3. In the Password field, enter a password for the PDC user.


      The PDC user password can be a minimum of 8 characters and maximum of 12 characters and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character. For example, Weblogic123. The user name must not be a part of the password.
    4. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again, to confirm it.

  8. Click OK.

    The user name appears in the User table.

  9. Click Save.

    To access PDC, add the PDC user to a group based on the role of the user in the organization. See "Adding the PDC User to a Group" for more information.

Adding the PDC User to a Group

PDC is a role-based application that authenticates and authorizes users based on the group to which the user belongs. The role-based functionality of PDC is supported by the following WebLogic Server groups:

  • Pricing Design Admin: The users belonging to this group have read and write access to the setup and pricing components.

  • Pricing Analyst: The users belonging to this group have read access to the setup components and read and write access to the pricing components.

  • Pricing Reviewer: The users belonging to this group have only read access to the setup and pricing components.

  • Migration Admin: The users belonging to this group can migrate pricing data from the BRM database to the PDC database.

These groups are created by the PDC Installer during the PDC installation process. To access PDC, add the PDC user you created during the installation or after the installation is complete to a group based on the role of the user in the organization.

To add the user to the group:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure section, click the Security Realms link.

    The Summary of Security Realms page appears.

  3. Click the myrealm link.

    The Settings for myrealm page appears.

  4. Click the Users and Groups tab.

  5. Click the Users subtab.

  6. Click the username link, where username is the name of the PDC user.

    The Settings screen for username page appears.

  7. Click the Groups tab.

  8. In the Parent Groups section, from the Available list, select the group to which you want to assign the user.

  9. Move the selected item to the Chosen list.

  10. Click Save.

Starting the Transformation Engines

The transformation engines do not automatically start when you start the PDC server, you must start them manually. See "Starting the Transformation Engines" for more information.

Restricting Tablespace Quota for a Schema User

PDC grants unlimited tablespace quota to the following schema users:

  • PDC schema

  • Transformation cross-reference schema

  • Migration cross-reference schema

You can restrict the quota limit for a schema user in a tablespace by using SQL*Plus.

To restrict the tablespace quota for a schema user:

  1. Connect to your database using SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus user_name/password@database_name


    • user_name is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • database_name is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  2. At the SQL*Plus prompt, enter the following command:

    alter user schema_user_name  quota size on tablespace_name;


    • schema_user_name is the PDC schema user name.

    • size is the tablespace quota size.

    • tablespace_name is the name of the tablespace for the PDC schema user.

    For example:

    alter user pdcUser quota 500k on data_ts;
  3. Enter the following command, which exits SQL*Plus:


Cleaning up Sample BRM Data

When you install BRM, its installation scripts populate sample data, including setup and pricing components. When using PDC, this data should not be initiated in BRM, but it should be defined in PDC and published to the BRM database. To ensure that PDC and BRM are integrated properly, you must clean up the BRM sample data before you start using PDC.

To clean up sample BRM data:

  1. Go to the BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/syncpdc/scripts directory, where BRM_Integration_Pack_home is the directory in which BRM Integration Pack is installed.

  2. Enter the following command, which opens SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus user_name/password@database_Name


    • user_name is the BRM database user name.

    • password is the BRM database user password.

    • database_Name is the service name or database alias of the BRM database.

  3. Enter the following commands, which clean up BRM data:

    • To clean up real-time data:

    • To clean up batch-rating data:



      If PDC is integrated with ECE, do not run the update_ifw_tables.sql command.

    The sample BRM data is cleaned up.

  4. Enter the following command, which exits SQL*Plus:


Running SyncPDC

You must run the SyncPDC utility to synchronize the setup components defined outside of PDC.

See the discussion about running SyncPDC in PDC User's Guide for more information.

Loading Sample Data

PDC provides sample XML files to create setup components. The sample files are located in the PDC_home/apps/Samples/Examples directory, where PDC_home is the directory in which PDC is installed.

The Examples directory contains the following sample files:

  • PDCSampleBE.xml. Contains all currency balance elements and some frequently used non-currency balance elements. You can load this file to quickly create balance elements to use when configuring pricing.

  • PDCSampleRum.xml. Contains commonly used ratable usage metrics (RUMs). You can load this file to quickly create RUMs to use when creating a service-event map and when configuring pricing.

  • OOB_ProfileSpecifications.xml. Contains the profile attribute specifications referenced in the following custom rules: Friends&Family, SpecialDay, and ClosedUserGroup. This XML file references the names used in the provisioning tags provided by default with the BRM installation. See the discussion about configuring closed user groups in PDC User's Guide for more information.

  • OOB_CRs.xml. Contains the custom rules: Friends&Family, SpecialDay, and ClosedUserGroup. You can use these custom rules in generic and charge selectors when configuring a charge based on a subscriber's Friends & Family, Special Day, or Closed User Group profile. You must load the OOB_ProfileSpecifications.xml file before loading this file. See the discussion about configuring closed user groups in PDC User's Guide for more information.

  • OOB_ItemTypeSelector.xml. You must load this file if you are using ECE. This file provides the default billing item assignments that are supported by BRM without any additional configuration. See the discussion about loading the OOB_ItemTypeSelector.xml file in PDC User's Guide for more information.


    Before loading this file into the PDC database, make a backup copy of the customized config_item_tags.xml and config_item_types.xml files in BRM if you have created custom bill items in BRM. When you load the OOB_ItemTypeSelector.xml file into the PDC database, it overwrites the existing item tag-to-item type mapping in the BRM database.

You can load the sample files by using the ImportExportPricing utility. See PDC User's Guide for more information.


The Examples directory also contains sample alias files and sample pricing profile files that are provided only for reference and for use as templates for creating custom alias events or pricing profiles. You should not load the sample alias files and sample pricing profile files after installing PDC.

Creating Service-Event Maps

A service-event map defines which events can be used for a service and which RUMs can be used for each service-event combination.

For example, you map the GSM Session event to the GSM service and the RUMs, Duration and Volume, to the GSM Session event.

You can create a service-event map in the PDC UI. See the PDC Help for more information.

Post-Installation Tasks for the PDC Upgrade

After installing PDC 11.2 or 11.2 patch sets on an existing PDC 11.1 installation, do the following:

Upgrading the PDC Database Schema

To upgrade the PDC database schema:

  1. Go to the in the PDC_home/servers/upgrade/schema/pdc directory.

  2. Enter the following command, which opens SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus user_name/password@database_Name


    • user_name is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • database_Name is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  3. Run the following command, which upgrades the PDC database schema:

  4. Enter the following command, which exits SQL*Plus:


Migrating Offer Profiles from BRM into PDC

If you are using ECE for usage charging, ensure that you migrate the existing offer profile data from BRM into PDC and use only PDC for configuring policy specifications.


After you migrate the offer profile data into PDC, delete the existing offer profiles in BRM and do not create any new offer profiles in BRM.

To migrate offer profiles from BRM into PDC:

  1. Open the PDC_home/upgrade/PolicySpecificationDataUpgrade.sql file in a text editor.

  2. Specify the following parameters:

    CONNECT TO brm_dbhost_username
    IDENTIFIED BY brm_dbhost_password
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = brm_schema_hostname)(PORT = brm_schema_port_number)))
            (CONNECT_DATA =
                    (SID = brm_schema_sid)


    • brm_dbhost_username is the BRM database user name.

    • brm_dbhost_password is the BRM database user password.

    • brm_schema_hostname is the BRM schema host name.

    • brm_schema_port_number is the port number assigned to the BRM schema.

    • brm_schema_sid is the SID of the BRM schema.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Ensure that the BRM and PDC databases are running.

  5. Connect to the PDC database using SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus user_name/password@database_Name


    • user_name is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • database_Name is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  6. Migrate offer profiles into PDC by running the following command:


    The offer profiles are migrated from BRM into PDC in the PDC format as policy specifications and policy labels.

  7. Exit SQL*Plus by running the following command:

  8. Restart WebLogic Server.

  9. Export the policy specifications and policy labels to XML files by running the following command:

    ImportExportPricing -export FileNamePrefix -config POLICY_SPECIFICATION
    ImportExportPricing -export FileNamePrefix -config POLICY_LABEL

    where FileNamePrefix is the prefix to append to the beginning of the generated XML file name.

    The policy specifications and policy labels are exported to the respective XML files.

  10. Verify the migrated data in the XML files and make any necessary changes if required.

  11. If you make any changes in the XML files, import the policy specifications and policy labels into the PDC database by running the following command:

    ImportExportPricing -import -config POLICY_LABEL filename
    ImportExportPricing -import -config POLICY_SPECIFICATION filename

    where filename is the name of the XML file.

    The policy specifications and policy labels are imported into the PDC database.

  12. Export the ALTERATION_RATE_PLAN and CHARGE_RATE_PLAN pricing components to XML files by running the following commands:

    ImportExportPricing -export -pricing ALTERATION_RATE_PLAN
    ImportExportPricing -export -pricing CHARGE_RATE_PLAN
  13. Import the ALTERATION_RATE_PLAN and CHARGE_RATE_PLAN pricing components into the PDC database by running the following commands:

    ImportExportPricing -import -pricing CHARGE_RATE_PLAN -ow filename
    ImportExportPricing -import -pricing ALTERATION_RATE_PLAN -ow filename
  14. Publish the required pricing and setup components to ECE by running the following command:

    ImportExportPricing -publish POLICY_SPECIFICATION -target ece
    ImportExportPricing -publish CHARGE_OFFERING -target ece
    ImportExportPricing -publish ALTERATION_OFFERING -target ece

    The policy specifications, charge offers, and discount offers are published to ECE.


    During PDC installation, the create database link privilege is granted to the PDC schema user. After migrating offer profiles from BRM into PDC, you can revoke the create database link privilege from the PDC schema user by running the following command as the SYS user:
    sqlplus sys_username/sys_password@
    revoke create database link from pdc_schema_hostname;

Post-Installation Tasks for the PDC Patch Set Installation

After installing PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1 on the existing PDC 11.2 installation, do the following:

Running the PDC Upgrade Scripts

To run the PDC upgrade scripts:

  1. Go to the PDC_home/server/upgrade/schema/pdc directory.

  2. Run the following command, which opens SQL*Plus

    sqlplus user_name/password@database_Name


    • user_name is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • database_name is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  3. Run the following commands:

  4. Run the following command, which exits the SQL*Plus:
