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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 18.0
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4 Internationalization

Internationalization is the process of creating software that can be translated easily. EICS has been internationalized to support multiple languages.

This section covers the following:

Client Translations

Translation of Graphical User Interface (GUI) and client-based display messages fall under this category.

EICS has two clients: JET (PC) and MAF (Mobile). Each of these clients maintain their own translation bundles for different supported locales. These translations bundles are packaged within the build of the application client and are not alterable or customizable without changes to the product itself and a new build or patch release.

JET has a set of supported locales for GUI translation for which translation resources are maintained by the JET team. EICS 18.0 JET translation resources are applied on top of internal JET translation resources. JET follows JSON format to organize translation records within a translation bundle. Each translation bundle is kept in a directory structure which identifies the locale it belongs to. For example, translations for French locale could be found under resources/nls/fr/translations.js file. These bundle are packaged together with the .JET application.

MAF follows an XML format to organize translation records within a translation bundle. Each supported locale will have its on XLF file. For example, translations for French locale could be found under SimMobileViewControllerBundle_fr.xlf file. These XLF files are packaged with the rest of the application when the mobile application is built for deployment.

Server Translations

Translation of server data, report data, notifications, server error messages, and other server-based message, fall under this category. EICS 18.0 server supports translation into:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Croatian

  • Dutch

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

Translation Topics

Server translations records are grouped under translations topics for easy of management through the administration screens. Each translation key belonging to one of the translation topics below:

Table 4-1 Translation Topics

Translation Topic Comments


Captures translation keys for barcode processors.


Captures translation keys for batches.


Captures translation keys for shipment carrier and carrier services.

Code Info

Captures translation keys for code type and code details.


Captures translation keys for system, store and store default configuration parameters.


Captures translation keys related to system data like status, types and so on.


Captures notification related translation keys

Inventory Adjustment Reason

Captures translation keys for inventory adjustment reason codes.


Captures translation keys related to server messages which are mostly error messages.

Non Sellable Type

Captures translation keys for non-sellable types.


Captures translation keys for security permissions, groups and roles.

Shipment Reason

Captures translation keys for shipment reason codes.


Captures translation keys related to reports.

Translation Keys

Translation keys follow a dotted naming convention (for example, functional.area.key). The key name also identifies the functional area it belongs to which makes it easy to locate on the Translation Setup JET Screen. Each key has a corresponding translation for each language. These translations can be modified using the administration screen.

Server Operations

Lookup Translation Records

This is a system owner operation with no user intervention or control. EICS supports a limited set of translation locales. EICS will attempt to resolve a translation key lookup for a user locale. In case the user locale does not belong to one of the supported translation locales, EICS will keep on generalizing the locale until a match is found or the locale can no longer be generalized.

For example, if the system is trying to lookup a translation key for user locale 'en-US' and system only supports 'en', the translation key will first look for a correct translation in en-US translations. If none are found, the system will then use the translation key to search within 'en' locale to find a match.

In case no locale match is found or the translation key does not exist, EICS will return "Untranslated: {key}" messages where key is the translation keys being looked up. For example, "Untranslated: functional.area.key".

Add/Update Translation Records

When using the administration screen, EICS will create new translation records or update existing ones for the user data. This is done as a part of the save operation for screens listed in Table 2 Translation Data JET Screens. For new records, EICS will create the translation key.

Delete Translation Records

Deletion of translation records only happens when the original system record for which the translation key was created is deleted. EICS automatically deletes such translation records as a part of the save operation call on the JET screens listed in Table 2 Translation Data JET Screens.

JET Screens

Translation Setup

This JET screen can be used to look up and edit server translation records for a translation locale supported by the system. This screen does not support addition and deletion of translation records.

Figure 4-1 Translation Setup Screen

Translation Setup Screen

Navigation: Main Menu/Admin/Translations/Translation Setup

List Buttons

  • Locale Selection: This drop down will list all the translation locales supported by EICS server.

  • Search: Initiates a lookup of translation records for the selected locale and populates the screen with the fetched data.

  • Save: Saves any changes made to the translation records.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the translation records by loading them again.

  • Filter: Toggles between enabling/disabling the filter bar on the data grid.

List Attributes

  • Topic: Translation topic for the translation record.

  • Key: Translation key for the translation record.

  • Translation: Actual translated text for the translation record.

  • Description: Any additional description for the translation record.

Detail Buttons

  • Edit: Enable editing of translation record.

  • Apply: Apply changes to the translation record.

  • Cancel: Cancel any changes made to the translation record.

Detail Attributes

  • Topic: Translation topic for the translation record. It is not editable.

  • Key: Translation key for the translation record. It is not editable.

  • Translation: Actual translated text for the translation record. It is editable.

  • Description: Any additional description for the translation record. It is editable.

In addition to the Translation Setup screen, the system maintains translation records for the following JET screens:

Table 4-2 Translation Data JET Screens

JET Screen Column

Barcode Processor

Processor Name



Carrier Service


Code Info


Inventory Adjustment


Shipment Reason




Custom Flexible Attribute

Display Label

Role Detail


Report Translations

Translation of report templates fall under this category. EICS 18.0 provides XLF files for each report. At runtime BI publisher identifies the user locale and selects the appropriate XLF file to translate report template.