Adding a New Locale

You can create, import, and set a new locale by completing the following procedure on the Dashboard:

  1. In the Admin tab, click Locales.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Read the provided guidelines.
  4. Click the provided "en.yml" English sample for a template for your locale.
  5. Copy the content starting at the root element "en" and ending at "multi_page_html" and paste it into a local text file or editor.
  6. Save the file as "<root_element>.yml", where <root_element> is the ISO language code. A comprehensive list of ISO-639-1 language codes can be found in
  7. Update the strings with the translations appropriate for the chosen language/locale.
  8. Click Choose File, select the file, and click Import.

    This screenshot shows the Locales import dialog box.
  9. Set the "Preferred Language" for the User or Account (in "Branding and Language") to the new locale root element value.
  10. Log in and confirm your changes.