External Event Notifications

The External Event Notification feature provides a way to notify RESTful services of events occurring in the ISR. It can be used in two ways: to notify third-party applications of new recordings, new sessions, and updates to existing sessions and recordings, or to notify new ISR components, acting as integrations to third-party platforms, of critical ISR events.

When communicating with third-party applications, the external event notification system propagates session and recording events to a separate server that interoperates with the ObserveIT Visual Session Recording solution (the ISR FACE feature). The data provided in these notifications allows the service to coordinate ISR recordings with ObserveIT screen capture recordings in order to provide simultaneous audio and video playback on applications such as the ISR Dashboard.

External event notifications may be configured with a series of default settings for interoperation with ISR FACE and the ObserveIT Visual Session Recording solution. For more information on the interaction between ISR FACE and ObserveIT Visual Recording solution, see the "Face Policy System" section of this guide. If you require more extensive external event notification configuration, contact your Oracle representative.

Configuring External Event Destinations

You configure the External Event Destinations via the ISR Dashboard.

To add or edit an External Event Destination:

  1. After logging into the ISR Dashboard, click Admin in the main menu (or Edit System Configurations on the Home page).
  2. Click the External Event Destinations link.
  3. Event Type—Select the event type to trigger a notification.
    • RECORDING_STARTED_EVENT—Recording has started
    • RECORDING_PAUSED_EVENT—Recording paused
    • RECORDING_RESUMED_EVENT—Recording has resumed
    • RECORDING_ENDED_EVENT—Recording has ended
    • SEGMENT_STARTED_EVENT—Recording segment has started
    • SEGMENT_ENDED_EVENT—Recording segment has ended
  4. Base Service URL—Enter the URL of the server receiving the HTTP request.
  5. URL Parameters—Specify any parameters to be added to the request.


    For more information on event parameters and events, either click the URL Parameters Help link or see "External Events Notifications" in the API Guide.

External Event Configuration Example

Setting the Event Type to RECORDING_STARTED_EVENT and Event Policy By set to the "System" Account to send requests to the Base Service URL
https://myisreventreceiver.oracle.com:8443/handleIsrNotification" with the URL Parameters "event=AudioRecodingStarted&calledAors=%CALLED_AORS%&ucid=%INGRESS_CALLID%
would submit an HTTP request in a similar way to entering the following example URL in your web browser: