Configuring Reduced Security

The ISR's FACE functionality and Dashboard may all be run with reduced security. This section describes how to use the script to loosen security on these components.

Configuring FACE API Reduced Security

The ISR's FACE API functionality may be run with reduced security. You can use the script to loosen security settings on the FACE API host.

  1. To disable HTTPS in FACE API, run the script and select HTTP for FACE API.
    [root@face ~]#
    Please select from the following menu:
    s) Show the current configuration
    m) Modify the current configuration
    i) Add/modify a second network interface
    f) Set FACE default configuration in DB
    q) Quit
    Choice: f
    WARNING, this action will reset the FACE to its default configuration.
      ** All customization of FACE configured will be lost.
    Continue? (yes|no) [yes] yes
    You have been warned.
    Enter Face Host IP: []
    Protocol to use for FACE connections? (http|https) [https] http
    FACE connection protocol set to http
    Enter ObserveIT Server IP: []
    Protocol to use for ObserveIT Server connections? (http|https) [https]
    ObserveIT connection protocol set to https
    Attempting to restore backup SQL
    Backing up FACE Config (to /opt/isr/faceSetupTemplate.sql.bak).
    Updating FACE IP in SQL Script.
    Updating FACE HTTP/S in SQL Script.
    Updating ObserveIT IP in SQL Script.