Collect Data for Devices or Device Groups

Add a Device Group

Use the following naming conventions when you add a device group:

  • It must start with an alphabetic character.
  • It can contain a minimum of three characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
  • It can contain the following characters: alphabetic, numeric, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
  • It can be a mix of upper-case and lower-case characters.
  • It cannot contain symbols or spaces.
  • It cannot be the same name as an existing group name within the same level in the hierarchy (sibling).
  1. Expand the Device Manager slider and click Device Groups.
  2. In the Device Groups pane, click Add.
  3. In the Add device group dialog box, enter the name for the device group in the Device group name field and click OK.
    The device group now appears in the Device Groups pane.

Add a Network Function with Devices

Use this task to add a network function (NF) with devices to the default Home group or a group that you created. Once the NF is added successfully, the Oracle® Communications Report Manager plug-in is able to communicate with the devices in the NF.

Pre-requisite: If you are not using the default Home group to add an NF, you must specify a group for the NF.

  1. Expand the Device Manager slider, and click Devices.
  2. In the Managed Devices - Group View pane, select a group, and click Add.
  3. In the Select Network Function Type dialog box, click the element manager (EM) product plugin category from the Categories table that manages your devices.
  4. In the Network Function Type drop-down list, select from the following NF types:
    • Device—A NF that contains a single standalone device or device high-availability (HA) pair.
    • Device Cluster—An NF that contains a device cluster that shares a common, top-level offline configuration template.


      Oracle Communications Report Manager does not currently support device clustering.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the Add Network Function: Device dialog box, complete the following fields:
  7. Click Apply.
    The NF and its associated device(s) or the NF with the associated device(s) appear in the Managed Devices table.

Add a Collection Group

Pre-requisites: Oracle® Communications Report Manager must be installed properly and the reporting service must be operational. See the Oracle® Communications Report Manager Installation Guide for more information.


All devices that are added to a collection group must be running the same software and platform version.
  1. Expand the Report Manager slider and select Reports, Collection Groups from the navigation pane.


    You must have the proper user privileges in order to see the Collection Groups option in the Reports folder on the navigation pane. See the previous sections in this chapter for more information.
  2. In the Collection Groups pane, click Add.
  3. In the Add a Collection Group pane (Step 1 of 3), complete the following fields:
  4. In the Managed Devices table, navigate to select individual devices, or navigate to an entire device group folder from which you want to collect data.
  5. Click Add to move the device(s) or device group(s) to the Collect on following devices table.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Add a Collection Group dialog box (Step 2 of 3), complete the following fields:
  8. Check the checkbox for each collection group that you want to change in the Specify the collection interval for each device group, if different than global interval table (if a device group needs a different collection interval than the global collection interval value, which is 5 minutes by default).
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Add a Collection Group dialog box (Step 3 of 3), complete the information required to configure the SFTP protocol for pushing HDR data:
  11. Click Finish to complete collection group configuration.
  12. In the success message that appears, click OK.
    The collection group now appears in the Collection Groups table.

Additional Steps for Configuring a Collection Group that Uses SFTP

If you add a collection group and you select SFTP for the protocol that is used for sending CSV files, you must use this task to generate a host key from the push receiver (SDM server) and export it to the device(s).

See the Add a Collection Group section for more information.

  1. Log in to the SDM server as the root user.
    su root
  2. Change to the ssh directory. For example:
  3. Enter the ssh-keygen -e script.
  4. When prompted, enter the following path for the generated host key:
  5. Copy the base64 encoded public file making sure in include the BEGIN and END markers as they are specified by RFC 4716 (The Secure Shell (SSH) Public Key File Format). For example:
    --- BEGIN SSH2 KEY ---
    <generated public key>
    --- END SSH2 KEY ---
  6. Log into the device that is communicating with SDM using SFTP and access the CLI.
  7. From admin mode use the ssh-pub-key command to import the host key to the device.
    For importing a host key, this command takes the format:
    ORACLE# ssh-pub-key import known-host <sdm_server_name>
  8. Paste the host key with the bracketing BEGIN and END markers at the cursor point.
  9. Enter a semi-colon (;) to signal the end of the imported host key.
  10. Follow directions to save and activate the configuration. For example, the entire import sequence is shown below:
    ORACLE# ssh-pub-key import known-host fedallah
     Please paste ssh public key in the format defined in rfc4716.
     Terminate the key with ";" to exit.......
    ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----
    Comment: "2048-bit RSA, converted from OpenSSH by klee@acme54"
    ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----
    SSH public key imported successfully....
    WARNING: Configuration changed, run "save-config" command to save it
    and run "activate-config" to activate the changes
    ORACLE# save-config
    checking configuration
    Save-Config received, processing.
    waiting for request to finish
    Request to 'SAVE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Save complete
    Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
    To sync & activate, run 'activate-config' or 'reboot activate'.
    ORACLE# activate-config
    Activate-Config received, processing.
    waiting for request to finish
    SD is not QOS-capable
    Request to 'ACTIVATE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Activate Complete
  11. Enter the show security ssh-pub-key command to verify the host key.
  12. Repeat steps 6 through 11 to import the host key for additional devices.

Edit the Collection Group Start and End Times

The start and end times are the only parameters in a collection group that can be edited after a collection group is created.

  1. Expand the Report Manager.
  2. Click Collection Groups.
  3. In the Collection Groups pane, select the collection group you want to edit and click Edit.
  4. In the Devices tab, edit the start or end times and click Apply.