This document includes following topics:

1. Introduction

The purpose of the OBDX US LZN Installation Setup and Configuration is to provide a step by step overview on the installation process of the solution.

It Includes:

  1. Installation of OBDX US LZN with Oracle’s own Core Banking and Origination Products.

2. Prerequisites

OBDX Base with OBPClosedOracle Banking Platform flavor should be installed through OBDX Installer. This installation will be henceforth referred to in this manual as ‘OBDX18.2 Base’.

For OBDX 18.2 Base installation, refer documents

3. Installation

3.1 Pre Installation

OBDX18. Base with OBP flavor should be installed through installer.

3.2 Steps of Installation

Download and extract. Post extraction ‘OBDX_LZNInstaller’ folder would be available. Ensure before installation following sub-directories are available.

Application deployment

The ‘app’ directory will have 3 artifacts to be deployed on the OBDX Application server. Depending upon the user authenticator i.e., OUD or DB Authenticator either “obdx.app.rest.ear” or “obdx.app.rest.idm.ear” must be deployed.

  1. obdx.app.rest.ear

Note: Login to Weblogic Server. First shut down the application server. Go to Deployments, Un-deploy the REST application project of the OBDX Base and deploy REST application project of the OBDX US LZN and other two libraries (ii & iii) mentioned above. All other libraries of OBDX Base are required for OBDX US LZN. Do not remove them. Start the application server.

Steps to Un-deploy library/application

  1. Login into Weblogic Server. Go to Deployments. Select the library/application and click on delete.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Confirm delete.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Success message will be displayed.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

Steps to Deploy library/application:

  1. Click on install to deploy library/application. Click on Upload Button.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Click on ‘Choose File’ to select the library / application to upload.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Click on NEXT button.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Again click on NEXT button.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Select ‘Install as library / application’, as per the deployment.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Select the managed server / cluster to deploy on. Click on Next.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Click on Finish

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

  1. Confirmation of installation will be displayed.

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

Deployments after OBDX18. Base Installation

OBP US LZN Setup Configuration

Deployments after OBDX US LZN Installation

Database scripts deployment

The ‘db’ directory will have two sub-directories: dml and ddl. Executes all scripts present in the dml folder.

Note: There are no ddl scripts to execute.

UIClosedUser Interface deployment

The ‘ui’ directory contains all the UI related files. The UI deployed by OBDX Base installation should be replaced by the UI contents of this directory.

Note: No change required in OHS.

4. Post Installation

Refer ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience System Configuration.docx’ document to perform Day1 configurations for OBDX18. US LZN setup.

4.1 Additional Configuration

Apart from the configuration given in section 5 of ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience OBP US LZN Setup and Configuration’ document, below table consists additional non-mandatory configuration for OBDX18. US LZN.

Property ID


Default Value


This property contains maximum allowed expiry duration (in years) for Mexican CID card.



This property contains maximum length allowed for Mexican CID card ID




This property contains minimum duration (in months) of Residence needs to be captured during the origination process.




This property contains maximum length allowed for the SSNClosedSocial Security Number.






This property contains maximum allowed expiry duration(in years) for state ID card.



This property contains maximum length allowed for the State ID.


4.2 OBP Application Configurations

Following maintenance / configurations should be done in OBP application

Funding table template maintenance

This maintenance decides which all sections like LMIClosedLenders Mortgage Insurance is a type of insurance that protects the lender in case a borrower is not able to repay the loan and the lender is not able to recover its costs after foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged property., Fees should be part of funding table

Application level fees

This maintenance decides which all fees like ‘Title Search fee’, ’Registration fee’ should be shown on application tracker and funding table.

Financial template maintenance

This maintenance decides which all income, expense, liability and asset should be visible as part of financial template. It is also used to decide the mandatory and non-mandatory options for income, expense, liability and asset.

4.3 OUD configuration in OBP

Refer to section 4.2 of ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience OBP Base Setup and Configuration.docx’

5. Product Configuration

To enable the products execute the following script.


This will enable the savings, checking, term deposits, credit cards, auto loans and personal loans products.

6. Credential mapping for anonymous access

Please refer Origination Web service Username Token Configuration for “Anonymous user configuration”. This will add the security policy, policy key and credentials for anonymous user.

This will add the security policy, policy key and credentials for anonymous user.

7. DB Authenticator Configuration

If OBDX has DB Authenticator as user authenticator then, for logged-in flow (application tracking flow and existing user flow) following changes must be done in OBDX. This will change the saml token policy for logged-in user to user token policy.

Please refer to the document Oracle Banking Digital Experience Origination Web service Username Token Configuration.docx for “Logged-In user configuration”.

This will change the security policy for logged-in user


