Oracle® Application Testing Suite

Installation Guide



July 2023

This document explains the installation procedures for the Oracle Application Testing Suite.


The machines where the OpenScript product is installed should be strictly used for testing. The security features of the browsers have been disabled on this machine to enable recording and playback operations. The browsers cannot be used for secure browsing.


The user should have privileges to create, remove, and change files in all subdirectories of JREs.

For example, C:\program files\java\jre and its subdirectory or subdirectories.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact our support group at

Installing the Applications on Windows Machines

This section explains the procedure for installing Oracle Application Testing Suite on Windows machines.


The Oracle Application Testing Suite installer requires a working instance of Oracle XE or Oracle EE database, before installing the Oracle Application Testing Suite server components. This database instance can either be on the system where the application is being installed or in a server accessible via the network.


See the Oracle® Database Installation Guide in the Oracle Database Documentation Library for additional information about installing Oracle database.

Installing Oracle Application Testing Suite

  1. From the Oracle Website,

    Select and download the Oracle Application Testing Suite zip file(s) from the website and save it to a temporary directory on your hard disk. contains all the components of OATS for Windows bundled along with JDK and Web Logic Server. Components of Application Testing Suite include OracleATSHelperService, OracleATSAgent. OpenScript, OracleTestManager, OracleLoadTesting.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file and run the setup.bat. After the basic system check, this would launch the installer wizard.
  3. Follow the setup instruction given by the installation wizard.
  4. During the installation for the Oracle Application Testing Suite, you will be asked to provide a master password. Remember this password. The master password specified during installation is used to set all the following user passwords:
    • Oracle Test Manager users - "default" and "administrator"
    • Oracle Load Testing users - "default" and "administrator".
    • User "JMSAdmin" used for Oracle Load Testing agent to controller authentication.
    • User "oats" for Weblogic Server - this is a Weblogic superuser.
    • User "oats-agent" in Weblogic Server for JMS communication between agent and controller - this is not a Weblogic superuser.
    • Database users - "oats", "olt", "otm".


    Master password should be alphanumeric and should contain at least 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character and length should be between 8 to 20 characters.

  5. While installing the server side features, the wizard asks for the Database configuration details. Select:
    1. New Configuration, if this is a new installation and has no previous version of Oracle Application Testing Suite Installed and doesn’t contain the OATS, OLT and OTM user schemas.
    2. Existing Configuration, if the database was previously used for connecting to previous versions of Oracle Application Testing Suite and contains OATS, OLT and OTM user schemas.
    3. Manual Configuration, if you want to configure the database manually later. Please note, this would not be deploying the Oracle Load Testing and Oracle Test Manager and would need to be done manually.
  6. After installing Oracle Application Testing Suite, manually download and apply Fusion Middleware security patches for version release. Click here for more details.

Uninstalling the Applications from Windows Machines

There are two ways to uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite:

  1. User Interface Mode:
    1. Double click on <OATS_HOME>\Uninstall.bat or Select Uninstall OracleATSHome from the Start menu. This would open the uninstallation wizard
    2. Select the distributions and the features that you need to remove
    3. Click Uninstall and confirm the features which are to be uninstalled in the Uninstallation summary.
    4. Click Uninstall, to start the uninstallation process
  2. Silent Mode:
    To perform a silent uninstallation, navigate to <OATS_HOME>/oui/bin in a command window and enter the command
    deinstall.cmd -silent

Installing the Applications on Linux Machines

Oracle Application Testing Suite server components (Oracle Load Test/Oracle Test Manager) and Agent components (Oracle Load Test agent/Data Collector) can be installed on Linux via a separate installer; however Oracle OpenScript is Windows only. Oracle Application Testing Suite components have been tested with Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 64 bit. Note that some Data Sources (Perfmon, Ping and COM+) cannot be used on a Linux Data Collector.

The Oracle Application Testing Suite Linux installer is based on the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) which requires UI based access. To install the Oracle Application Testing Suite server components on Linux you will need to access XTerm. XTerm, most typically, can be accessed over VNC.


The Oracle Application Testing Suite installer requires a working instance of Oracle XE or Oracle EE database, before installing the Oracle Application Testing Suite server components. This database instance can either be on the system where the application is being installed or in a server accessible via the network.


See the Oracle® Database Installation Guide in the Oracle Database Documentation Library for additional information about installing Oracle database.

Installing Oracle Application Testing Suite Components

  1. From the Oracle Website

    Select and download the Oracle Application Testing Suite zip file(s) from the web site and save it to a temporary directory on your hard disk. Contains all the components of OATS bundled along with JDK and Web Logic Server. Components of OATS include OracleATSHelperService, OracleATSAgent, OracleTestManager, OracleLoadTesting.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file and set appropriate permissions for the installation shell script and the installation jar to execute.
    To do this, open a terminal and navigate to the location where the installer file was unzipped. Run the below command to provide execute privileges:
    chmod -R 755 *

    Run the through a terminal. After the basic prerequisite system check, this would launch the installer wizard.

  3. Follow the setup instructions given by the installer wizard.
  4. During the installation for Oracle Application Testing Suite, you will be asked to provide a master password. Remember this password. The master password specified during installation is used to set all the following user passwords:
    • Oracle Test Manager users - "default" and "administrator".
    • Oracle Load Testing users - "default" and "administrator".
    • User "JMSAdmin" used for Oracle Load Testing agent to controller authentication.
    • User "oats" for Weblogic Server - this is a Weblogic superuser.
    • User "oats-agent" in Weblogic Server for JMS communication between agent and controller - this is not a Weblogic superuser.
    • Database users - "oats", "olt", "otm".


    Master password should be alphanumeric and should contain at least 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character and length should be between 8 to 20 characters.

  5. While installing the server side features, the wizard asks for the Database configuration details. Select:
    1. New Configuration, if this is a new installation and has no previous version of Oracle Application Testing Suite Installed and doesn’t contain the OATS, OLT and OTM user schemas.
    2. Existing Configuration, if the database was previously used for connecting to previous versions of Oracle Application Testing Suite and contains OATS, OLT and OTM user schemas.
    3. Manual Configuration, if you want to configure the database later manually. Please note, this would not be deploying the Oracle Load Testing and Oracle Test Manager and would need to be done manually.
  6. After the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation wizard finishes, manually download and apply Fusion Middleware security patches for version release. Click here for more details.
  7. To complete the installation, certain operations need root privileges. To perform them, run the with root privileges
    sudo sh <OATS_HOME>/

    Enter the master password, when prompted.

  8. Navigate to http://<linux-host-name>:8088/ to verify if the installation was successful and to start using the OATS application.


This section provides basic troubleshooting tips for Linux installation issues.

Service does not restart

If the OATS service does not restart, try removing the OracleATSServer PID file. If the service stopped abnormally or the installation failed, this file may prevent subsequent installs of the service from succeeding. Use the following command:

sudo rm /var/run/ 
Checking the status of Application Testing Suite Services
Status of the services can be checked by running this script in a terminal
systemctl | grep OracleATS
Manually removing and readding the services
The complete installation of the Application Testing Suite in a Linux machine installs ATSHelperService, ATSAgent and ATSServer.
To stop and remove all the three services
sudo systemctl stop OracleATSServer
sudo systemctl stop OracleATSHelper
sudo systemctl stop OracleATSAgent
Sometimes, the above script might not be able to remove the services and would show the service status as failed, in such cases, reset the services
systemctl reset-failed
To readd the service, run script located within OATS_HOME with root privileges
sudo sh <OATS_HOME>/

Starting the Applications on Linux Machines

This section lists how to start Oracle Application Testing Suite applications and utilities on Linux machines. It also lists how to restart and stop the application service.

To start the Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator:

   http://<machine>:8088/admin or http://localhost:8088/admin

To start the Oracle Test Manager application:

   http://<machine>:8088/otm or http://localhost:8088/otm

To start the Oracle Load Testing application:

   http://<machine>:8088/olt or http://localhost:8088/olt

To start the Database Configuration utility:


To start the Oracle Load Testing Agent Authentication Manager utility:

   <installdir>/jdk/jre/bin/java -jar <installdir>/agentmanager/AMAuthManager.jar

To restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite service:

   <installdir>/bin/ [OracleATSServer|OracleATSAgent] 

To stop the Oracle Application Testing Suite service:

   <installdir>/bin/ [OracleATSServer|OracleATSAgent] 

To create a support package for troubleshooting purposes (


Uninstalling the Applications from Linux Machines

Oracle Application Testing Suite can be uninstalled in two modes:

  1. User Interface mode: Run the file to start the GUI uninstallation for the Oracle Application Testing Suite.
    sh <OATS_HOME>/
  2. Silent mode: To uninstall in silent mode, run the by passing an additional flag -silent
    sh <OATS_HOME>/bin/ -silent


Make sure to stop the services before starting the uninstallation process

Installing the Oracle Application Testing Suite Remote Agent

Oracle Load Testing allows you to distribute your Virtual Users to run from remote Agent machines. The Oracle Load Testing Server will connect to Oracle Load Testing Agent systems to start and run your Virtual Users on those machines. The Oracle Application Testing Suite Remote Agent is a component of the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation that enables Virtual Users to be distributed to these Agent systems. Users can either install the full Oracle Application Testing Suite installation or just the Remote Agent install component on their Agent machines to enable this functionality.

Installing the Remote Agent

To install the Remote agent:

  1. From the Oracle Website, download the appropriate installer for your environment
    • For Windows agents, use
    • For Linux agents, use for 64-bit.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file and run the installation file setup.bat in case of Windows and in case of Linux machines.
  3. In the installation type, select custom installation and click next. This would add a new page in the tree, Feature Set Selection page, select only OATS Agent and continue with the installation
  4. Once the installation completes, verify network access from the Controller workstation to the Agent workstations and configure the Agent Workstations as explained in the following section.

Configure Remote Agent Service Login

To specify the user login for the Oracle Load Testing Agent Service, open the Services control panel on the Agent machine and change the login credentials for the "Oracle Load Testing Agent Service". By default, the Oracle Load Testing Agent Service will run under the Local System account.

Verify Network Access to Agent Systems

Once you have the Oracle Load Testing Server and Agent software installed on the individual systems, you should verify network access between the Oracle Load Testing Server system and each Remote Agent system. This section provides basic tips and techniques to make sure the Oracle Load Testing Server system can successfully communicate with each Remote Agent system.

  • Make sure that you have the Oracle Load Testing Agent software loaded on the Agent system(s) and that it is the same version as the Oracle Application Testing Suite software that is loaded on the Oracle Load Testing Server system. The systems you plan to use as Agents must have either the Oracle Load Testing Agent software or the full Oracle Application Testing Suite installed to work as agents.

  • Make sure you can successfully Ping all of the Agent systems from the Oracle Load Testing Server system. The machine names you use to Ping the systems are the same names that you will specify for the Agent systems in the Oracle Load Testing server. You can also use the IP addresses of the agent systems. If you cannot successfully Ping the Agent systems, contact your network administrator to resolve the issue. If you cannot Ping the Agent systems from the Oracle Load Testing Server system, you will not be able to run the Agents from the server.

  • Make sure that the same user is logged in on both the Oracle Load Testing server system and all of the Agent systems. All of the Agent systems must have a user logged in to be controlled by the Oracle Load Testing Server system. You may be able to log in as a different user on the Agent systems as long as the user login has the same administrative privileges as the user logged in on the server system.

  • From the server system, try mapping a drive on each of the Agent systems using Windows Explorer. Depending on how your network is setup, the server system may not be allowed to start up processes on the Agent systems. The easiest way around this is to map a drive to the Agent system in order to authenticate with Windows.

  • In the Oracle Load Testing server add a script to the Scenario Profiles list. Enter the machine name or IP address of the Agent system where you want to run the script into the Systems Manager and select that machine in the Systems field on the Build Scenario tab of Oracle Load Testing.

Preparing for a "Clean" Installation

In some cases, you may want to prepare a system for "Clean" installation of the Oracle Application Testing Suite product. This may be required in the following cases:

  • There is a previous version of the Oracle Application Testing Suite product installed on the system which is not upgradable.
  • It is necessary to downgrade the product from a newer version.
  • An installation failure occurred for some reason and it is necessary to clean the environment to a fresh start.

The following sections provide step-by-step instructions to perform a clean installation of the Oracle Application Testing Suite product on your system.

Make sure to backup all scripts and databases before proceeding.

Clean Installation - Windows

This section explains how to do a clean installation in Windows machine

Step 1: Uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite Products
There are two ways to uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite:
  1. User Interface Mode:
    1. Navigate to the OATS installation directory and double click on uninstall.bat. This will open the uninstallation wizard.
    2. Select the distributions and the features that you need to remove.
    3. Click Uninstall and confirm the features which are to be uninstalled in the Uninstallation summary.
    4. Click Uninstall, to start the uninstallation process.
  2. Silent Mode:

    To perform a silent uninstallation, navigate to <OATS_HOME>/oui/bin in a command window and enter the command

    deinstall.cmd -silent
Step 2: Remove or Rename Installation Folders

To remove or rename installation folders:

  1. Backup OpenScript scripts and script asset files in repositories or folders under the installation directory (in installdir\workspace! directories or installdir\directoryname directories).
  2. Backup OpenScript scripts and script asset files in repositories under the installation directory (in installdir\workspace directories).
  3. Remove or rename the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation directory (the default is C:\OracleATS).
  4. Remove or rename the directory: C:\Documents and Settings\username\osworkspace (depending upon your Operating System, it may be similar to: C:\Users\username\osworkspace).
  5. Remove the OracleATSHome entry in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory (depending on your Operating System, it may be like: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Oracle\Inventory).
Step 3: Remove Environment Variable and Browser Properties File

If you plan to perform an OpenScript only install after removing the Oracle Application Testing Suite applications, you must also remove the OATS_HOME environment variable and the file to prepare the machine for the installation.

To remove the OATS_HOME environment variable:

  1. Open System settings in Control Panel.
  2. Open System Properties. (depending upon Windows version, select Properties or Change settings).
  3. Click Environment Variables on the Advanced tab.
  4. Select the OATS_HOME variable and click Delete.

To remove the file:

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to %APPDATA%\Oracle\Application Testing Suite\ file and delete the file.
Step 4: Remove the Services (Optional)

To remove Oracle Application Testing Suite services:

  1. Select Run from the Start menu.
  2. Type cmd and click OK.
  3. Type the command: sc delete servicename, where servicename is each of the following:
    • OracleATSAgent
    • OracleATSServer
    • OracleATSHelper

    If the message "The specified services does not exist as an installed services" is returned from the program, the service was successfully removed by the previous steps.

Step 5: Remove the Registry Keys (Optional)

To remove Oracle Application Testing Suite Registry keys:

  1. Select Run from the Start menu.
  2. Type regedit and click OK.
  3. Delete the following Registry keys using the Registry Editor:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleATSServer
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleATSAgent
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleATSHelper

    If you do not find the keys in the Registry, they were successfully removed by the previous steps. Note: The keys may be found in the different location depends on your Operating System (search by the key to find the correct location).

Step 6: Restart the System (Optional)

While not required, it is considered to be a good practice to restart the system after uninstalling applications.

  • Select Shutdown from the Start menu, then select Restart.

Step 7: Install Oracle Application Testing Suite

To install Oracle Application Testing Suite, follow the installation instructions: Installing the Applications on Windows Machines

Clean Installation - Linux

This section explains how to do a clean installation in Linux machine

Step 1: Uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite Products
There are two ways to uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite:
  1. User Interface Mode:
    1. Navigate to the OATS installation directory and double click on This will open the uninstallation wizard.
    2. Select the distributions and the features that you need to remove.
    3. Click Uninstall and confirm the features which are to be uninstalled in the uninstallation summary.
    4. Click Uninstall, to start the uninstallation process.
  2. Silent Mode:

    To perform a silent uninstallation, navigate to <OATS_HOME>/oui/bin in a terminal and enter the command

    deinstall.cmd -silent
Step 2: Remove or Rename Installation Folders

To remove or rename installation folders:

  1. Remove or rename the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation directory.
Step 3: Remove the Services (Optional)

To remove Oracle Application Testing Suite services:

  1. Open a new Terminal, and type the command:
    systemctl | grep OracleATS

    If you don't find any services listed, then they were successfully removed by the previous steps.

  2. If you see any services listed by the above command, then those needs to be removed manually.
    1. To remove Oracle ATS helper service, use the below script:
      systemctl stop OracleATSHelper
    2. To remove Oracle ATS Agent service, use the below script:
      systemctl stop OracleATSAgent
    3. To remove Oracle ATS Server, use the below script:
      systemctl stop OracleATSServer


    To remove a service, you will need to have root privileges.
  3. Reset any units which are in failed state
    systemctl reset-failed
Step 4: Restart the System (Optional)

While not required, it is considered to be a good practice to restart the system after uninstalling applications.

  • Open a new terminal window and run the below command
    sudo shutdown -r
Step 7: Install Oracle Application Testing Suite

To install Oracle Application Testing Suite, follow the installation instructions: Installing the Applications on Linux Machines

Using the Silent Installation

Oracle Application Testing Suite uses the Oracle Universal Installer application to perform the installation of the server, agent and OpenScript. You can use the Silent installation feature of the Oracle Universal Installer to install the Oracle Application Testing Suite without using the GUI.

This section provides basic instructions for installing Oracle Application Testing Suite using the silent installation.


See the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) User's Guide in the Oracle Help Center library for additional information about using the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode

To use the Silent install, you will need to create or customize a batch file to run the setup program with the appropriate arguments and a corresponding Response File to provide inputs during the installation process.

Silent Installation - Windows

Generation the Response File

The easiest way to generate a response file is by recording a GUI installation. This can be done by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory where the installer is downloaded and unzipped
  2. Modify setup.bat to include (-record -destinationFile C:\oats_install_temp\oats.rsp)
  3. Run the modified setup.bat
  4. Select the steps in the OUI as to how you want them to work

This will generate the response file called oats.rsp in the directory C:\oats_install_temp.

Silent Installation

To silently install Oracle Application Testing Suite on Windows, run the following command:

./jdk/bin/java -jar OATS_win64_13.3.0.1.jar ORACLE_HOME=C:\OracleATS -nowait -silent -responseFile C:\oats_install_temp\oats.rsp

Silent Installation - Linux

This section shows the procedures for Oracle Application Testing Suite silent installation on Linux.

Generating the Response File

The easiest way to generate a response file is by recording a GUI installation. This can be done by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory where the installer is downloaded and unzipped
  2. Modify to include (-record -destinationFile /tmp/oats.rsp )
  3. Run the modified
  4. Select the steps in the OUI as to how you want them to work

This will generate the response file called oats.rsp in the directory /tmp.

Silent Installation

To silently install Oracle Application Testing Suite on Linux, run the following command:

./jdk/bin/java -jar OATS_linux64_13.3.0.1.jar ORACLE_HOME=/scratch/app/OracleATS -nowait -silent -responseFile /tmp/oats.rsp

Example Response File

The following is an example Response file (.rsp) that shows the settings for Oracle Application Testing Suite silent installation.

The following is an example Response file (.rsp) that shows the settings for Oracle Application Testing Suite silent installation.
## Copyright (c) 1999, 2023 Oracle. All rights reserved.          ##
##                                                                ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize     ##
## your installation.                                             ##
##                                                                ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment        ##
## identifies the variable type.                                  ##
##                                                                ##
## Please specify the values in the following format:             ##
##                                                                ##
##         Type         Example                                   ##
##         String       "Sample Value"                            ##
##         Boolean      True or False                             ##
##         Number       1000                                      ##
##         StringList   {"String value 1","String Value 2"}       ##
##                                                                ##
## The values that are given as <Value Required> need to be       ##
## specified for a silent installation to be successful.          ##
##                                                                ##
##                                                                ##
## This response file is generated by Oracle Software             ##
## Packager.                                                      ##


#Datatype : Boolean
#Description: By setting this variable to true, you are accepting the license
agreement. This variable is used only for silent installations.













#Datatype : String
#Description: Complete path of the Oracle Home.
#Example: ORACLE_HOME="C:\OracleATS"










#Datatype : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if deinstall confimation is needed during a deinstall

#Datatype : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if deinstall progress is needed during a deinstall









#Datatype : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the Confirmation dialog asking to run the
script in OUI needs to be shown.
#Valid only for Unix platforms.










# Datatype : Boolean
# Description: Database connection to be used for installation. 
# Valid values are new, existing and manual
# Example: DBCONECTION_TYPE="existing"

# Datatype : Boolean
# Description: Database hostname
# Valid values are new, existing and manual
# Example: DB_HOST_NAME="localhost"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Database password. 
# Example: DB_PASSWORD="MyDatabasePassword"

# Name : DB_PORT
# Datatype : Number
# Description: Database Port
# Example: DB_PORT="1521"

# Name : DB_USER
# Datatype : String
# Description: Database username
# Example: DB_USER="system"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Oracle Application Testing Suite Master Password
# Password Criteria: Alphanumeric with at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase 
#                    character. Length between 8 - 20 characters
# Example: MASTER_PASSWORD="MyMasterPassword"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Database password for OATS schema
# Example: DBCONECTION_TYPE="MyOatsPassword"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Database username for OATS schema 
# Example: OATS_DB_USER="oats"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Database password for OLT schema
# Example: OLT_DB_PASSWD="MyOltPassword"

# Name : OLT_DB_USER
# Datatype : String
# Description: Database username for OLT schema 
# Example: OLT_DB_USER="olt"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Database password for OTM schema
# Example: OTM_DB_PASSWD="MyOtmPassword"

# Name : OTM_DB_USER
# Datatype : String
# Description: Database username for OTM schema
# Example: OTM_DB_USER="otm"

# Datatype : String
# Description: Service name for the Database connection 
# Example: SID_SERVICE_ID="orcl"

Upgrading Oracle Application Testing Suite Components

The procedure for upgrading an existing Oracle Application Testing Suite components instance is similar to a fresh installation. The exceptions are that the existing Oracle Application Testing Suite services need to be stopped before proceeding and certain system configuration files may be reverted before continuing the upgrade procedure.

The script handles the stopping and removal of the service Oracle Application Testing Suite services after providing a notice. The script also handles reverting system configuration files.


The Uninstall procedure will revert system configuration files made by the previous Oracle Application Testing Suite agent installation. Changes made to these files by other applications (installed after the previous Oracle Application Testing Suite Agent) may get reverted.

If you have installed other applications after the previous Oracle Application Testing Suite Agent installation, you may want to make backup copies of the system configuration files before proceeding with the Oracle Application Testing Suite upgrade procedure.

To upgrade Oracle Application Testing Suite components:

  1. Run the setup.bat for Windows or for Linux to start the upgrade installation. This will open the installation wizard.
  2. Enter the location of the Oracle Home where the older version of Oracle ATS is installed and click Next.
  3. In the Featureset selection step, it should detect the previous version and would also let you know if the previous version is upgradable to the current one.
  4. If it's upgradable, follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard.
  5. If it's not upgradable, you will have to uninstall the previous version and reinstall the current one.

Using the Reset Password Utility

The Reset Password utility allows the installing user of the Oracle Application Testing Suite web applications to reset the password for the Administrator account in an Oracle Load Testing or Oracle Test Manager database.

The installing user of the Oracle Application Testing Suite can reset the password for:

  • Oracle Load Testing Administrator user
  • Oracle Test Manager Administrator user

The default Administrator user password is the master password specified during the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation.

You run the Reset Password utility using the command line Java file ResetPassword.jar located in the \lib directory under the installation directory.

The Reset Password utility is run from a command prompt.


This operation requires elevated access from the command line. You could run this as Administrator in Windows or with root privileges in Linux

Resetting the Oracle Load Testing Administrator Password

The following procedure resets the Administrator user password for the Oracle Load Testing database. This procedure can only be performed by the user who installed the Oracle Application Testing Suite on the system.

To reset the Administrator user password for an Oracle Load Testing database connection:

  1. Select Run from the Start menu.

  2. Type cmd and press Enter.

  3. Type cd \installdir\lib where installdir is the installation directory for the Oracle Application Testing Suite. The default is c:\OracleATS.

  4. Type $installdir\jdk\bin\java.exe -jar ResetPassword.jar -olt "DB Name" at the command prompt. $installdir is the actual installation directory path. For example, the default installation directory is c:\OracleATS. DB Name is the database connection name. For example the default installation database connection name for Oracle Load Testing is Default OLT Database. The following command shows a complete example using the default values:

    c:\OracleATS\jdk\bin\java.exe -jar ResetPassword.jar -olt "Default OLT Database" 
  5. Press Enter.

  6. Type the new password and press Enter.


    The password must start with alphabetic character, be a minimum of 8 characters in length, include at least one number and not contain any spaces. These are the same restrictions enforced during product installation.

  7. Type the confirm password and press Enter.

  8. Close the command window.

Resetting the Oracle Test Manager Administrator Password

The following procedure resets the Administrator user password for the Oracle Test Manager database. This procedure can only be performed by the user who installed the Oracle Application Testing Suite on the system.

To reset the Administrator user password for an Oracle Test Manager database connection:

  1. Select Run from the Start menu.

  2. Type cmd and press Enter.

  3. Type cd \installdir\lib where installdir is the installation directory for the Oracle Application Testing Suite. The default is c:\OracelATS.

  4. Type $installdir\jdk\bin\java.exe -Djava.library.path=$installdir\oats\lib -jar ResetPassword.jar -otm "DB Name" at the command prompt. $installdir is the actual installation directory path. For example, the default installation directory is c:\OracleATS. DB Name is the database connection name. For example the default installation database connection name for Oracle Test Manager database is OATS_otm_DS. The following command shows a complete example using the default values:

    c:\OracleATS\jdk\bin\java.exe -java.library.path=c:\OracleATS\oats\lib -jar ResetPassword.jar -otm "OATS_otm_DS" 
  5. Press Enter.

  6. Type the new password and press Enter.


    The password must start with alphabetic character, be a minimum of 8 characters in length, include at least one number and not contain any spaces. These are the same restrictions enforced during product installation.

  7. Type the confirm password and press Enter.

Reset Password Utility Command Line Options

The Reset Password utility has the following command line option flags:

Flag Description

-olt "DB name"

DB Name is the database connection name specified during configuration of the Oracle Load Testing schema. For example, the default connection name for the installed Oracle Load Testing database connection is "Default OLT Database". Additional database connections can be defined using the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Database Configuration utility on the Tools submenu of the Oracle Application Testing Suite Start menu.

-otm "DB name"

DB Name is the database connection name specified during configuration of Oracle Test Manager schema. For example, the default connection name for the installed Oracle Test Manager database is "OATS_otm_DS". Additional database connections can be defined using the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Database Configuration utility.


Displays Reset Password utility usage information and exits.

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Oracle Application Testing Suite Installation Guide, Release


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