
Adding and Editing a Catering Package

Catering packages are a convenient and attractive way of selling catering Events, available from Business Management > Events or Business Management > Business Blocks > Events. The main difference between packaged Events and non-packaged Events is how pricing is handled. Packages are generally sold on a per-person per-day or per-person/per-booking price with all Events and Event resources included in the quoted price. It is easy to customize booked packages to fine-tune them to fit the client's requirements exactly. Packages also make life easier for the Catering Sales staff by saving them from having to compose the Events from scratch using resources. All details are attached to the booking with one click when selecting the package.

Note: Catering Packages and Templates, while visible in SFA when entered from a remote property, are not available for application in SFA when booking events. Resources are neither visible nor available for booking in SFA.

Using Catering Packages

Working with the Events module, there are several ways to customize a catering package; add an Event to an existing catering package, combine several Events to create a new package, break down a package event to a single Event, and base a package on a function space. The Catering Package Description can also be translated from the Attached Catering Packages screen (see below).

With catering packages or group packages, the Client can have a budget "per-person" or a total amount he wants to spend and could be interested in having only one price to include everything. Many Clients might not be interested in the split of the revenue performed internally by the Hotel. Catering packages provide the Sales Manager with various package templates to choose from, depending on the Client’s request. However, the sales process between the Sales Manager and the Client is based on negotiation, as the competition is often strong. In many cases, the Sales Manager needs to customize the package structure and price according to the Client’s request. Moreover, additional resources might be added as extra charges to the package.

Adding a Catering Package to a Booking

When accessing the Event module of a Business Block that does not yet have any attached Events, either the Events Search screen or the Business Block Search screen displays depending how you have chosen to access the Event information. See Creating or Changing an Event for more details.

If Events already exist for the Business Block you can add a package by selecting the Packages button from either the Event Search screen or the Events screen. The Select Catering Package screen appears.

Select Catering Package Screen

Selection Criteria

All packages related to the property and Business Block and date range display.

Property. Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license is active. Select the down arrow to choose the properties to search for catering packages.

Duration. Enter the number of days' duration that applies to the package you want to view.

Market Code. Select the down arrow to choose the market codes for the packages you want to view.

Booking Type. Select the down arrow to choose the booking types for the packages you want to view.

Pkg. Code. Select the down arrow to choose the package codes you want to view.

Book From/To. Enter the arrival dates for the packages you want to view.

Attendees/To. Enter the total number of attendees in the first field or enter a range including an end number of attendees in the second field (i.e., 100-125).

Sell Date. Enter the Sell date range for the package.

Price Code. Select the down arrow to choose the price codes for the packages you want to view.

Incl Web Bookable. When the application parameter OWS > DEFAULT WEB BOOKABLE IN PACKAGE SELECT is active, the Incl Web Bookable check box is selected by default, indicating that the displayed packages are web bookable.

Select the desired package from the Select Catering Package screen, then click OK to continue adding this package to the booking. The Select New Package Status screen appears.

Select New Package Status Screen

If the package is configured as a daily package, the Begin and End Dates on the Select New Package status screen are both filled with the arrival date of the Business Block. It is possible to change the dates as required, as long as they stay within the Business Block duration dates. If a date range is chosen, the daily package will be applied once for each day in the range.

If the package is configured to last for several days with a different program for each day, the Business Block date range must at least be the length of the configured package days. This type of package will only be applied once, even if is covers less days than are included in the Business Block date range. On the same screen, also select the Package Status of the Package to be attached to the Event. This can either be the Catering Status of Business Block or Default Catering Status.

Click OK to attach the package to the current Business Block. The Attached Catering Packages screen appears, listing all packages that are attached to the Business Block.

Attached Catering Packages Screen

From the Attached Catering Packages Screen, you can:

Translating the Catering Package Description

If you want to translate the Catering Package Description to a different language (even though it might have already been configured in another language), click the Description cell and enter Alt+T. This brings up the Multilanguage Description screen. At this screen, you can view the current language of the Description and edit it or add a new language and description.

To edit a description while keeping the same language, select the Edit button. To add a new language and description, select the New button.


Copy. Copies the selected attached package. All Events that are part of the selected package are created, including their configured resources. If an Alternate Event is attached to a Catering Package Event, the Alternate Event will also be copied. When Copy is selected, the Package Copy screen displays.

Source Block (Read-only)

Block Name. Name of the Source block from where the package will be copied.

Start Date. Start date of the business block.

End Date. End date of the business block.

Status. Status of the business block.

Target Block

Block Name. Name of the Target block to where the package will be copied. The current business block will be defaulted. If you want to copy the catering package to a different business block, select the down arrow and choose the business block in Business Block Search.

Include Non-Package Resources. This check box is visible when a Catering Package with Non Included Package Resources is highlighted. If the Catering Package does not have any Non Included Package Resources, this check box is not visible.

The check box is selected by default. When selected, Non Included Package Resources are copied from the Source Events to the Target Events. When not selected, Non Included Package Resources are not copied to the Target Events.

Source Status. This check box is selected by default. When selected, the new Events will be inserted with the Source Event Status. When not selected, the new Events will be inserted with the Status selected in the application setting Blocks > COPY CATERING STATUS.

Delete. Deletes the selected attached package. When a catering package is deleted, if a Non-package Sub-event is attached to a package event, the user will be prompted if the Non-package Sub-event should also be deleted. If you choose not to delete the Sub-event, the Sub-event will be converted to a Master-event. The following prompts will appear when Delete is selected:

Are you sure you wish to delete? Yes/No.

New. Allows you to add packages to the business block.

Edit. Allows you to edit the attached package revenues (see Packaged Event Revenue for more details).

Note: From within the Attached Catering Packages screen you can edit the number of Attendees (Att.), Guaranteed Attendees (Gua.) and/or the number of Actual Attendees (Act.) for the selected Catering Packages in their corresponding columns.

If the package was added from the Events screen, click Close to return to the Events screen. The package name will now appear in the upper portion of the Events screen. If the package was added from the Events Search Screen, click the Close button to return to the Events Search Screen and an X will display in the Package (PK) column on the Events Search screen grid.

If the Catering Package/Template has been configured with more than one function space attached to a package event, the function space will be attached based on the priority assigned to the function space and the function space's availability. For example, availability for the space assigned priority 1. If that space is not available for the defined space and time, availability will be checked for the space assigned priority 2. If that space is available, the event will be created with that space assigned.

Note: Catering Events, Packages and Templates cannot be created from the Master Allocation or Master Block, however they can be created for a Sub-Allocation/Block. When selecting the Events button from the Master Allocation/Block, the Event Search screen will display either a list of events already existing for a Sub-Allocation/Block of the selected Master or a message prompting you to choose a Sub-Allocation/Block of the selected Master for which to create an Event.

When the application parameter Catering > Combine Package Events In BEO is set to Y (available only when the application functions Catering > Event Packages and Catering > Event Programme are both active) the Programme field is displayed. Select the down arrow to select an existing Programme ID or to create a new one. Once an ID as been selected, use the Assign button to assign the Programme ID to the package. The Programme ID will be assigned to each event linked to that package.

Also, when the Combine Package Events in BEO parameter is active, the X column (used to select a package event for Programme assignment) and the Programme column display on the main grid. When this parameter is deactivated all associated fields and button options will no longer be visible on this screen.

Editing an Already Booked Package Event

From here it is possible to change event attendees even though the event belongs to a package. Changing the event attendees will NOT change the package attendees, which are displayed in the grey box beside the event attendees. However, if the event attendees vary from the package attendees, additional revenue might be created outside of the package revenue. This could be the case if a menu is attached to the event and the menu price is included for the package attendees, but not for any additional attendees that have been updated onto the event. For example, a package is booked for 20 attendees including a menu. The event attendees have been increased to 22 people. The menu price for the additional two people will now be charged as extra revenue outside of the package.

From here it is possible to change package specifications such as the number of attendees to adjust the package pricing accordingly. Enter the new number of attendees in the Attendees field and click the OK or Save button to apply the changes. Before the changes are applied the Save Choices screen appears asking you to confirm the changes. Attendee changes can be applied to All Non-Pkg Events, Non-Package Events with the Same Attendees Number, A specific Programme or Package Attendees on the Same Block. Make the appropriate selection then click OK.

Save Choices Screen

The following rules apply:

If other details of the package need to be changed, like the attached resources or Event details, this can be done directly in the appropriate Event screen (see Creating or Changing an Event for details). If additional resources or Events are attached to the booking, a prompt will ask if these should be made part of the package or if they should be charged separately.

See Also