
ADVANCED GENERATES Application Setting


Type.  Function

Application.  PMS

Description.  Stop posting of generates after specified days, adjustment of generates after a certain number of days and UDF Functions.

Property Determination. This function offers the ability to specify, at a group, subgroup, or transaction generate level, if and when generate postings (by the Room and Tax procedure in the End of Day routine) should be stopped. After the specified period, generates (for example a tax) can be automatically refunded either during the next End of Day routine, during checkout process, or never. Users are also able to define Adjustment Types for Generates when the function is active.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Configuration > Cashiering > Code > Transaction Codes > Generates

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
