

Select Configuration > Property > Attractions to create property attractions and their descriptions for one, several or all properties. Attractions such as amusement parks, theme parks, historic sites, zoos, and museums can be created and described.  

When the OPP_MHOT OPERA Property Management Multi-Property Base license code in PMS is active, attraction information you create appears within the Cross Selling (F7) or Reservation > Cross Selling > New > Properties > Attraction tab. When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, you can access the attraction information in ORS from within the Reservations > Sales Screen > Properties screen > Attraction tab.

Template - Attractions Screen

When the Template - Attractions screen first appears, all attractions already configured appear on the attraction grid. The Template option button is selected by default.

Search Criteria

Template/Property. When the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license code is active, attraction codes can be set up as templates that can then be copied to multiple properties. To set up templates, select the Template option button. To configure and edit codes for specific properties, select the Property option button and choose the property to configure attraction codes.

Property. Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license is active and the Property option button selected. Select the down arrow to choose a property to review or edit attraction codes.

Search Results Grid

X. Available for Template display only. An X in this column indicates that the attraction code has been selected for the Copy action. Use the All and None buttons to select or un-select all attraction codes.

Attraction Code. Unique code for the attraction (e.g., DISNEY, SEARS, MUSEUM, CASINO, GALL).

Description. Brief description for the attraction (e.g., Walt Disney World, Sears Tower, Air and Space Museum, Regal Casino, The Galleria).

Attraction Class. Code indicating the attraction grouping under which the attraction belongs (GOLF, PRK, Shop). The class groupings are set up by selecting System Configuration > Property > Attraction Classes.

City. Name of the city where the attraction is located.

State. The state name for the attraction selected.

Seq. Number that determines position of the item in listings.

Property - Attractions Screen

At the Property - Attractions screen, users can search for a property and view attractions associated with it. Then, the attraction record can be edited or deleted.

Search Criteria

Template/Property. When the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license code is active, attraction codes can be set up as templates that can then be copied to multiple properties. To set up templates, select the Template option button. To configure and edit codes for specific properties, select the Property option button and choose the property to configure attraction codes.

Property. Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license is active and the Property option button selected. Select the down arrow to choose a property to review or edit attraction codes.

Search Results Grid

Attraction Code. Unique code for the attraction (e.g., DISNEY, SEARS, MUSEUM, CASINO, GALL).

Description. Brief description for the attraction (e.g., Walt Disney World, Sears Tower, Air and Space Museum, Regal Casino, The Galleria).

Attraction Class. Code indicating the attraction grouping under which the attraction belongs (GOLF, PRK, Shop). The class groupings are set up by selecting System Configuration > Property > Attraction Classes.

City. Name of the city where the attraction is located.

State. State name for the attraction selected.

Seq. Number that determines position of the item in listings.

Creating and Editing Attractions

Users can create an unlimited number of codes for the various attractions that are available to the property. To create a new attraction code and description, select the Template option button.

Template - Attractions - New or Edit Description

Attraction Code. Enter the attraction code. When editing existing attraction entries, this field is view-only. Attraction codes are used as unique identifiers for each attraction.

Attraction Name. Enter the description for the attraction (Walt Disney World, Sears Tower, Air and Space museum, Regal Casino, The Galleria).

Attraction Class. Enter the code indicating the attraction grouping under which the attraction belongs (GOLF, PRK, Shop).

City. Enter the city where the attraction is located.

State. Select the state from the list of values set up through System Configuration > Profile > Geographical Data > States.

Distance. Enter the distance from the property to the attraction.

Distance Type. Select the distance type (miles, kilometers, blocks) for the distance selected from the list of values set up through System Configuration > Profile > Geographical Data > Distance Types.

Driving Time. Time required to drive to the attraction from the property.

Price Range. Enter the lowest to the highest cost this attraction charges.

Hours of Operation. The hours (timeframe) this attraction is open.

General Directions. General directions related to finding or navigating to the attraction.

Display Sequence. Number that determines position of the item in listings. Attraction codes that do not have a sequence number will be listed in alphabetical order following those codes that have a sequence number assigned. You can also use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the sequence of an entry.

Copying an Attraction

To copy an attraction and associate it with a property, select the Template option button. The Template - Attractions screen appears.

See Also