
CREDIT CARD PROMPT Application Setting

Group.  IFC

Type.  Setting



Description.  Request Swipe for Credit Card Payments.


Property Determination.

Note: For the request credit card swipe prompt to appear, the Swipe Reader Attached option must be selected for the workstation on the Workstation - New/Edit screen. See Workstations and Print Tasks for details.

If the IFC>Always Swipe CC application parameter was set to Y before an upgrade, then the IFC>Credit Card Prompt application setting will be set to ALWAYS. Otherwise, if IFC>Request CC Swipe application parameter was set to Y before the upgrade, then IFC>Credit Card Prompt application setting will be set to PROMPT. Otherwise, the IFC>Credit Card Prompt application setting will be left blank (null).

If the IFC>Credit Card Prompt application setting is set to ALWAYS, then a message to swipe the Credit card is prompted each time user enters a credit card payment method.

If the IFC>Credit Card Prompt application setting has a value PROMPT, then a message to swipe the Credit card is prompted only when the amount being charged to the card is more than the existing authorization on the selected card or if an authorization is being requested for the 1st time on a credit card or there is no existing authorization for a credit card.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

ALWAYS - Always request credit card swipe.


PROMPT - Request credit card swipe when the authorization on the selected credit card is less than the amount being settled to this credit card in cashiering module OR if an authorization does not exist for a credit card.


NULL (blank) - Credit card swipe is never requested.

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservations>New Reservation>Options>Credit Cards

Reservations>New Reservation>Options>Deposit

Reservations>New Reservation>Options>Routing

Reservations>New Reservation

Reservations>New Reservation>Payment Ellipsis

Reservations>Update Reservation>Options>Credit Cards

Reservations>Update Reservation>Options>Deposit

Reservations>Update Reservation>Options>Routing

Reservations>Update Reservation

Reservations>Update Reservation>Payment Ellipsis

Reservations>Component Groups>Group Options>Rooming List

Front Desk>Arrivals>Edit>OK

Cashiering>Billing>Options>Credit Cards


Cashiering>Billing>Check Out


Cashiering>Cashier Functions>Deposit

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.