
Itinerary Option

When the OPERA multi-property add-on license (OPP MHT2) is active, the reservation Cross Selling feature is available (Reservations>Cross Selling). Among other advantages, cross selling allows you to accept reservations that are part of an itinerary — a sequence of bookings (sometimes called "legs" of the itinerary) at two or more properties in your multi-property cluster. One confirmation number will be used for all legs of the itinerary. The Itinerary feature is also available in ORS (when the OPR<version number>ORS license code is active).

The itinerary feature is very flexible. For example, itinerary reservations may have legs at different properties; legs at the same property, but for different stay dates; or legs at the same property and for the same stay dates, but for different profiles. There can also be gaps in the stay dates. For example, leg one might reserve stay dates in January and leg two might reserve stay dates in March. When booking an itinerary from the Snapshot screen, and a potential gap or overlap (stay dates overlapping another reservation) occur for the same profile, a prompt appears asking the user if they want to continue. If the user continues to make the reservation (creating either a gap or overlap), the reservation record displays in the color "pink" in the Reservation Detail grid for easy identification. This message prompt can be hidden with a default value selected, see Popup Messages for details.

Note: OPERA automatically creates an itinerary outside of reservation cross-selling when a reservation is blocked into a connecting room and both room components are reserved. The result is one reservation number with two different room numbers.

To review the reservations that are part of a guest's itinerary, access the Reservation Snapshot screen . This is done by selecting the Lookup button on the ORS Sales screen. At the ORS Reservation Lookup screen, highlight the reservation and select the Select button.

This Reservation Snapshot screen is an overview, or snapshot, of all the reservations in the guest's itinerary. Highlight a reservation for a leg of the itinerary in the Reservation Detail section; rate information and credit card information are available in the lower part of the screen.

Note: When booking, editing, or canceling a guest's leg in an itinerary which causes a potential gap or overlap of stay dates, a prompt appears asking the user if they want to continue. If the user continues to make/change/cancel the reservation (creating either a gap or overlap) the reservation appears as the color 'magenta' in the Reservation Snapshot, Reservation Detail grid for easy identification. This message prompt can be hidden with a default value selected, see Popup Messages for details.

See Also