
Multi Transaction Code Rate Codes

The Multi Transaction Code Rate Codes feature makes it possible to link multiple room revenue transaction codes to a single rate code by associating the transaction codes to either room types or room classes (room classes are available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y).

Note: One or the other -- room classes or room types -- may be used to associate transaction codes to a specific rate code, but not both simultaneously.

This functionality might be useful, for example, in situations where a property is divided into business units and the lodging revenue for each unit needs to be tracked separately. This feature is available when the Rates>Rate Header Multiple Room Trn Code Linkage application function is set to Y.

In cases where you have configured rate codes prior to activating the Rate Header Multiple Room Trn Code Linkage application function, the transaction code already associated with the rate code will remain on the rate code until and unless you configure the room type-/room class-to-transaction-code associations or the rate header is changed.

Note: When the Rates>Rate Header Multiple Room Trn Code Linkage application function is inactivated, all room type-/room class-to-transaction-code associations are deleted and the Rates>Default Transaction Code application setting is used to auto-populate the transaction code settings for all rate codes. If this application setting is not specified, you will not be able to inactivate the Rates>Rate Header Multiple Room Trn Code Linkage application function.

Note: Lodging revenue generated on one reservation and routed to another room is posted to the transaction code linked to the room type or room class of the originating reservation and not that of the receiving reservation.

Configuring Room Type/Room Class To Transaction Code Associations

When the Rate Header Multiple Room Trn Code Linkage application function is active, the Transaction Code field on the rate header screen cannot be directly edited. In addition, the Transaction Code field down arrow used to access a list of available transaction codes is replaced by an ellipsis button.

Select the ellipsis button to display the Transaction Codes screen, where you may configure the room type-/room class-to-transaction-code associations.

Room Type/Room Class. Select the option button that corresponds to the feature (room type or room class) to link transaction codes to for the current rate code. Only one type of linkage may be selected per rate code. Once a room type/transaction code or room class/transaction code association has been saved, the option button choice cannot be changed for that rate code.

Rate Code. Rate code that corresponds to the transaction code in the Transaction Code column.

Transaction Code. Transaction code that corresponds to the rate code in the Rate Code column.

Adding and Editing Rate Code/Transaction Code Linkages

To add a new rate code/transaction code linkage, select the New button. To edit an existing linkage, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. The Transaction Codes - New or Transaction Codes - Edit screen appears.

Room Type. Available if the Room Type option button has been selected on the Rate Transaction screen. Select the down arrow to choose the room type to be associated with the transaction code.

Note: All room types associated with the rate code must be accounted for when linking transaction codes to room types. For example, if rate code ECON has room types DLX and CD associated with it, transaction code linkages must be configured for both the DLX and the CD room types.

Room Class. Available if the Room Class option button has been selected on the Rate Transaction screen. Select the down arrow to choose the room class to be associated with the transaction code.

Note: All room types associated with the rate code must be accounted for when linking transaction codes to room classes for a rate code. For example, assume the ECON rate code has room types DLX and CD associated with it and a transaction code linkage is established between rate code ECON and the TOWER room class. The configuration would be valid if both the DLX and CD room types are associated with the TOWER room class. Furthermore, the room types may be divided among separate room classes, and all room types configured with a specific room class do not have to be associated with the rate code. For example, assume room class PLAZA is associated with room types CD and SUP and room class RESRT is associated with room type DLX. It would be a valid multi transaction code rate code configuration to associate both PLAZA and RESRT with transaction codes for rate code ECON, but either room class alone would not be valid.

Transaction Code. Select the down arrow to link a transaction code with the room type or room class specified in the Room Type or Room Class field.

See Also