
PURGE LAST STAY DAYS Application Setting


Type.  Setting


ORS (global)



Description. Enter the number of days after which a guest profile is purged if there is no stay activity.


Property Determination. For example, if the setting is 100 days and the guest's last stay was 100 or more days ago, the profile will qualify for the purge.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Choose the number of days from the list of values. This value can only be greater than the value that is defined for the Profiles>Purge Days application setting.

If a value is not defined for this setting, then the purge routine will not remove any guest profile based on last stay days.

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.

This application setting will also be used with the following to determine which profiles are purged for the Profile Purge routine:

Profiles>Purge Days application setting

Profiles>Purge Days for Incomplete Profiles application setting

Profiles>Purge Exclude Restricted and Cash Only application parameter

Profiles>Purge Address Country application setting

Profiles>Purge Minimum Stays application setting

Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Utilities>Utilities>Opera Scheduler


Reports & Report Forms.






For Example
Property defines the following:
Profiles>Purge Address Country application setting = AU (Australia), US (United States), JP (Japan)
Profiles>Last Stay Days application setting = 90
Profiles>Purge Exclude Restricted and Cash Only application parameter = N
Profiles>Purge Minimum Stays application setting = 2
When the Profile Purge routine is run, all guest profiles from Australia, United States, and Japan whose last Stay Days are after 90 Days, regardless of whether the reservation was Restricted or Cash Only, and which had 2 or less stays at the property, will be purged.