Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > Administering Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Changing the Behavior of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Controlling the Exclusions List

The Exclusions List allows the user to exclude an individual record from synchronization even if this record matches a defined filtering criteria. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does the following work:

  1. To identify the records that it must synchronize from the Oracle CRM On Demand server, it uses the following filters:
    • Filters that the user creates
    • Master filters

      NOTE:  Users cannot configure master filters. Master filters are defined in od_meta_info.xml file in the <master_filter_expr> element of object Type.

  2. Excludes the records that are in the Exclusions List. It excludes each record in the list only if some other record does not reference this record.
  3. If a record is listed in the Exclusions List, and if no other record references it, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop removes this record from Microsoft Outlook even if the Remove Local Records option contains a check mark.

To configure the exclusions list

  1. Display the Exclusions button on the Filter Records screen of the Synchronization Control Panel:
    1. Use an XML editor to open the connector_configuration.xml file.
    2. Locate the following features element:


    1. Make sure the following attribute in this features element is set to True:


    You can add this attribute to the connector_configuration.xml file if it is not visible. For more information on adding the enable_sync_exclusions attribute, see Controlling the Confirm Synchronization Tab.

Turning on Exclusion Functionality

To turn on the exclusion functionality for a specific object, complete the following procedure.

To turn on exclusion functionality for a specific object

  1. Use an XML editor to open the connector_configuration.xml file.
  2. Locate the object type that you want to exclude.

    For example, for opportunities, locate the following object type:

    type id="Opportunity"

  3. In the object you located in Step 2, add the synchronizer element.

    For example, add the following element:

    <synchronizer name_format=":[:(Name):]" threshold="5">

    For more information, see Example Code for Setting the Synchronizer Element.

  4. Repeat Step 2 through Step 3 for each object type.
  5. In the actions.js file locate the siebel_item_delete function and the types_options variable inside the following section:

    var types_options =
         "Mail": {
           "confirmation": false
         "Account": {
           "exclude_allowed": true
         "Contact": {
           "exclude_allowed": true,
           "exclude_supported": function(item) { return item["SiebelShared"]; }
         "Opportunity": {
           "exclude_allowed": true
         "Lead": {
           "exclude_allowed": true

  6. In this section, add the new object type definition, and add set the exclude_allowed property to True.

    When you add the new object type definition, it must be in the following format:

      "MyObject": {
        "exclude_allowed": true

Examples of How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Uses the Exclusions List

Assume the following:

  • Contact 1 references account 1.
  • Contact 1 matches a filter, but account 1 does not match a filter.

In this example, Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop synchronizes account 1 because contact 1 references it. It does not add account 1 to the exclusion list.

For another example, assume the following:

  • Contact 1 references account 1.
  • Contact 1 matches a filter and account 1 matches a filter.
  • After the first synchronization, Microsoft Outlook displays contact 1 in the contact list and account 1 in the account list. The contact list is labelled as Contacts, and the accounts list is labelled as Accounts.
  • The user deletes account 1 and then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays the following prompt:

    Click No to remove the items from filter

  • The user clicks No, and then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop moves account 1 to the Exclusions List. At the next synchronization, Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop synchronizes account 1 because contact 1 references it.

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Automatically Adds Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities to the Exclusions List

If the user deletes an account, lead, contact, or opportunity in the Explorer view, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays the following prompt:

Are you sure you would like to delete this item from Oracle CRM On Demand and Microsoft Outlook? Click Yes to delete the items from both applications. Click No to remove the items from filter.

The user can choose one of the following values:

  • Yes. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop deletes the record in Microsoft Outlook and then deletes it from the Oracle CRM On Demand database on the Oracle CRM On Demand server during the next synchronization. If you enable delete confirmation, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop requests the user to confirm the deletion before it deletes the record from the Oracle CRM On Demand database. For more information, see Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Deletes Records.
  • No. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop deletes the record from Microsoft Outlook and adds it to the Exclusions List. If this record is associated with another record in Microsoft Outlook through the lookup field, then Microsoft Outlook displays it the next time that the user synchronizes. In this case a lookup field is a field where you can select the relationship between the current record which references another record. For example, in Contact Object, there is a lookup field that refers to the Account Object Type called Primary Account.

    For example, assume the following:

    • A contact references a primary account.
    • The user deletes the account from the Explorer view and then clicks No at the confirmation prompt.

      In this case, Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop removes the account from the Accounts folder, the Accounts field on the Contact form, and from the Accounts MVG dialog box. The user synchronizes, and then Microsoft Outlook displays the record in the Accounts Lookup dialog box and in the Account field on the Contact form.

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