Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

About Using Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Scenarios for Using Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Scenario for Working with an Activity That Is Associated with an Opportunity

Scenario for Managing Contact Information

Scenario for Managing Account Information

Scenario for Associating an Email with an Opportunity

Scenario for Managing an Opportunity

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Overview of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Lite

About Using Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Lite

Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Lite

About Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Lite Privileges

About Synchronizing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Lite

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How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Works

Extensions to the Microsoft Outlook User Interface

Overview of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Architectural Components

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Uses Oracle CRM On Demand

About the Web Service API Used by Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

About Book-Based Visibility

About User Default Books

About Authentication and License Allotment

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Allotment Errors

Checking the License Allotment in Oracle CRM On Demand

Metadata That Describes the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Application

Overview of Relationships Between Metadata Objects

About the Customization Package

About Metadata Files

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How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Oracle CRM On Demand Data

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Activity

Overview of How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Activity

Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Shares Newly Created Microsoft Outlook Items

How an Activity Is Created or Modified

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Processes an Activity

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Resolves Participants and Email Recipients of an Activity

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Displays an Activity in Microsoft Outlook

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Sets the Owner of an Activity

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Shared Activity

How the Origin of an Activity Affects Handling

Example of How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Microsoft Outlook Meeting with Multiple Attendees

Example of How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Shared Microsoft Outlook Appointment That Is Declined

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Microsoft Outlook Calendar

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Microsoft Outlook Calendar Item That the User Saves, Changes, or Deletes

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Oracle CRM On Demand Activity That the User Saves, Changes, or Deletes

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Appointment

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Correlates an Oracle CRM On Demand Activity with PIM Data in Microsoft Outlook

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Uses Natural Keys to Identify a Duplicate Activity

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Recurring Microsoft Outlook Appointment

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Microsoft Outlook Task

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Microsoft Outlook Email Message

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Items If the User Removes Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

How a User Can Link an Oracle CRM On Demand Record to a Microsoft Outlook Record

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How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data

About Local Synchronization

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data with Oracle CRM On Demand

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data During the Initial Synchronization

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data During an Incremental Synchronization

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Oracle CRM On Demand Data

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Manages Synchronization Duration

Situations Where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Redownloads Oracle CRM On Demand Data

Situations Where Local Data Might Be Lost

Factors That Determine Which Data Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data Depending on the Records Visibility

Factors That Determine What Data an Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop User Can Access

How Differences in Data Between Microsoft Outlook and the Oracle CRM On Demand Server Affect Synchronization

Modifying Synchronization Frequency

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Avoids Duplicate Data

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Conflict During Synchronization

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Prevents Duplicate Records

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Synchronization Error

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Synchronization Conflict

Resolving Synchronization Conflicts

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Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Roadmap for Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Process of Preparing Oracle CRM On Demand

Preparing the Implementation Environment for Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Obtaining the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Installer

Creating and Publishing the Customization Package

Setting Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Installer Version Locations

Overview of Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Process of Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Third Party Options for Installing and Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Customizing the CRM On Demand Desktop Assistant

Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Using the Microsoft Group Policy Object

Using a Microsoft SMS Package to Install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Using the Command Line to Set Optional Parameters

Upgrading Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1

Updating Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Product-Specific Files from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1

Options for Uninstalling Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Uninstalling Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop by Using the Windows Control Panel

Uninstalling Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop by Using the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop EXE File

Uninstalling Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop from a Command Line

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Administering Single Sign-On

Overview of Single Sign-On for Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Types of Authentication That You Can Use with Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop SSO

Noninteractive Authentication

Interactive Authentication

Single Sign-On Services that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Supports

Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop SSO

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Administering Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Before Administering Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Changing the Behavior of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Modifying the Windows Registry to Change Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Behavior

Setting Behavioral Limits for Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Controlling the Object Types That Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Displays in the Filter Records Tab

Controlling the Fields That Are Available in a Filter

Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Converts Contacts

Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Deletes Records

Controlling the Exclusions List

Controlling the Confirm Synchronization Tab

Controlling the Connection Tab

Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Archived Item

Modifying the Windows Registry Parameters That Affect Local Synchronization

Preventing Data Loss When Upgrading a Customization Package

Using Filters in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Configuring the Pin Mode for Records

Configuring Online Lookup

Administering Log Files and Log Profiles

Log Files and Dump Files You Can Use with Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Assigning a Logging Profile to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Creating a Custom Logging Profile

Configuring Web Mashups Controls

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Customizing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Customizing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Overview of Customizing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Files in the Customization Package

Customizing How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps Fields

Specifying Which Data Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Removes from Microsoft Outlook

Customizing Synchronization

Customizing a Form

Customizing a Toolbar

Customizing a Dialog Box

Customizing a View

Customizing the SalesBook Control

Customizing Meta Information

Customizing Localization

Customizing the URL Protocol to Use HTTPS

Customizing the Email Address of the Support Team

Performing Typical Customization Work

Customizing the Product Name

Localizing Values

Example of Displaying a Custom Oracle CRM On Demand Field in an Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Form

Making a Field in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Read-Only

Adding a Default Value to a Field in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Process of Customizing Objects in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Defining the Custom Object

Defining Synchronization for a Custom Object

Adding Custom Views in Microsoft Outlook

Defining the User Interface

Defining the Validation Rules

Adding Custom Logic

Defining the Toolbar

Defining Other Options

Process of Enabling Custom Object Synchronization in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Defining the Custom Object

Defining Synchronization for the Custom Object

Defining a Mapping of the Custom Object

Defining a Mapping of the Custom Object if You Are Using DB FACADE Storage

Defining a Customized Microsoft Outlook User Interface for the Custom Object

Defining a Custom View for the Custom Object

Defining Labels Used as Resources for the Custom Object

Adding Custom Logic and Validation Rules in the Customized Microsoft Outlook Form

Process of Adding a Predefined Oracle CRM On Demand Picklist to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Adding a Field to the Customization Package

Customizing the Physical Layout for the Picklist

Publishing and Testing a Custom Picklist

Roadmap for Adding an MVG Field

Process of Modifying the Customization Package to Add an MVG

Publishing and Testing a Custom MVG Field

Example Code You Use to Add an MVG

Setting Up Books for a Customized Package from Version 2.0

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How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps Fields Between Oracle CRM On Demand Data and Microsoft Outlook Data

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps Fields Between Oracle CRM On Demand Activities and Microsoft Outlook Calendar

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps Fields Between Oracle CRM On Demand Activities and Microsoft Outlook Tasks

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps the Owner Field Between an Oracle CRM On Demand Activity and a Microsoft Outlook Task

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps the Status Field of an Activity

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Maps Fields Between an Oracle CRM On Demand Activity and a Microsoft Outlook Email

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XML Files Reference

XML Code to Map a Field in Microsoft Outlook Storage

Example Code of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Type Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Form Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Alt Message Classes Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Custom Views Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Field Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

Writer Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

XML Code to Map a Field in DB_FACADE storage

XML Code to Customize the Data That Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Deletes If You Remove Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

XML Code to Customize Synchronization

Example Code for the connector_configuration.xml File

Types Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

Type Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

View Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

Synchronizer Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

Links Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

Natural Key Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

Filter Presets Element of the connector_configuration.xml File

XML Code to Customize Forms

Form Element of the forms_xx.xml File

Script Element of the forms_xx.xml File

Info Bar Element of the forms_xx.xml File

Page Element of the forms_xx.xml File

Stack Element of the forms_xx.xml File

Control Tags of the forms_xx.xml File

Types of Controls for the Control Element of the forms_xx.xml File

XML Code to Customize Toolbars

Example Code of the toolbars.xml File

Toolbars Element of the toolbars.xml File

XML Code to Customize Dialog Boxes

Dialog Element of the dialogs.xml File

Layout Element of the dialogs.xml File

Appearance Element of the dialogs.xml File

XML Code to Customize Views Used for Microsoft Outlook Explorer List

XML Code to Customize Views Used for Objects Forms

XML Code to Customize the SalesBook Control

Example Code of the lookup_view_defs.xml File

Array Element of the lookup_view_defs.xml File

Lookup View Definition Element of the lookup_view_defs.xml File

XML Code for Meta Information

SiebelMetaInfo Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Common_settings Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Object Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Field Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Extra_command_options Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Open_with_url_tmpl Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Picklist Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

Master_filter_expr Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

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Additional Code in the Customization Example

XML Code That Defines a Set of Custom Fields

XML Code That Maps a Definition for a Custom Object

XML Code That Hides Unused Microsoft Outlook Controls

XML Code of a Complete Form for Custom Object 1

XML Code That Defines a Many-To-Many Relationship

XML Code That Defines a List

XML Code That Creates Cells

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Windows Registry Parameters You Can Use With Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Windows Registry Parameters That Affect Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Behavior

Windows Registry Parameters That Affect Local Synchronization

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with Log Files and Dump Files

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with the General Log File

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with the Exception Log File

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with the Crash Dump File

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with the SOAP Dump File

Windows Registry Parameters That You Can Use with the Synchronization Dump File

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Code Listing for Updates to the Customization Package from Version 2.0

XML Code Addition for the od_meta_info.xml File

JavaScript Code Addition for the od_helpers.js File

XML Code Addition for the od_basic_mapping.xml File

JavaScript Code Addition for the forms.js File

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Add-In Compatibility in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Add-Ins Compatible with Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Add-Ins Incompatible with Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

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Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide, Version 5.2 Revision A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.