Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Customize Forms >

Form Element of the forms_xx.xml File

The form element describes the user interface for each custom Microsoft Outlook form. It can include the following attribute: id. It defines the unique name for the current form.

Standard code is present in the <script> element, which defines the form handler. An example of this is "contact_note() in the provided code. The form handler must be declared in forms.js file.

The form element contains the following tags:

  • script
  • info_bar
  • page

Each of these tags describe a specific part of the form. You can ignore each element.

Example Code of the Form Element

The following code is an example of the form element.

This code defines the Contact Note form:

   <form id="OD Contact Note" >
            include("forms.js", "forms");
            var ctx = {
               "application": application,
                "ui": ui,
                 "application_script": application_script,
                  "form": form
            var current_form = new forms.contact_note(forms.create_form_ctx(ctx));
      <page id="General" tag="0x10A6" min_height="155" min_width="520">
            <stack layout="vert" padding="5">
                  <stack layout="horz" spacing="3">
                     <cell size="65">
                        <stack layout="vert" spacing="5">
                           <cell size="22">
                               <static id="0x20004" tab_order="2">                                  <text>#lbl_type</text>
                           <cell size="22">
                              <static id="0x20004" tab_order="4">
                        <stack layout="vert" spacing="5">
                           <cell size="22">
                              <combobox id="NoteType" tab_order="3">
                                 <field>Note Type</field>
                                  <source type="Contact.Contact_NoteNote TypePicklist" field="Value" format=":[:(Label):]"></source>
                              <control id="0x103f" tab_order="2"></control>

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