Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Synchronizes Data > How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Conflict During Synchronization >

Resolving Synchronization Conflicts

The following procedure describes how to resolve synchronization conflicts in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.

To resolve a synchronization conflict

  1. Right-click the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop icon, located on your system tray, and click Show Control Panel on the shortcut menu.
  2. Select the Resolve Conflicts screen from the control panel.

    Resolve Conflicts is displayed in bold if there are duplicates found during synchronization. The number of duplicate conflicts is also displayed.

    The screen displays a separate record for each conflict. Each conflicting item displays the following information when you click the record to expand it:

    • Conflict Status Color Indicator. The conflict status color indicator is red if the conflict is unresolved and is grey if the conflict is resolved.
    • Item Icon. The item name is displayed for an Opportunity, Contact, Account, Activity. It also displays the name of the person who has modified the item in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop. For example, if the contact, Margaret Burdess, was modified by William Apple, then the record is called: Margaret Burdess by William Apple
  3. Click any record to view the synchronization conflict details.

    You can view only one record at a time.

  4. Resolve the conflict by performing one of the following actions:
    • Common resolution. Click either Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Overwrites or Oracle CRM On Demand Overwrites. All records in the list will be resolved by overwriting the record from one application with the other. For example, if you click Oracle CRM On Demand overwrites, then the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop record will overwrite the Oracle CRM On Demand record for all conflicts in the list.
    • Record-level resolution. Select either the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Values or Oracle CRM On Demand Values option to overwrite all conflicting fields for the selected record with either Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop values or Oracle CRM On Demand values.
    • Field-level resolution. Select the value next to the field in either the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop or Oracle CRM On Demand column to overwrite the selected field by the value of the appropriate application. This operation merges the records from both applications.

      Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop then displays the conflict resolution option you selected. The options are:

    • The user has not yet resolved the conflict.
    • The user has selected that the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop values will overwrite the conflicting fields.
    • The user has selected that the Oracle CRM On Demand values will overwrite the conflicting fields.
    • The user has selected to merge Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop and Oracle CRM On Demand values to resolve the conflict.
  5. After the conflict has been resolved, do one of the following:
    • Click Apply.

      This step saves the resolution options for the conflict but the record will not be updated in Oracle CRM On Demand until you synchronize.

    • Click Reset.

      This step restores the previously applied options to the values saved after the last time you clicked Apply.

    • Click Synchronize.

      This step updates the records in Oracle CRM On Demand. Clicking Apply marks the record as resolved in your Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop, but the record will not be updated in Oracle CRM On Demand until you synchronize.

    • Postpone a Conflict Resolution.

      This step postpones resolving a conflict.

    • Click Close.

      This step closes the Control Panel dialog box. This does not stop the synchronization of any other records.

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