Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Customize Forms >

Control Tags of the forms_xx.xml File

The control element defines a control that is located in a cell. It includes the following attributes:

  • id. Defines the control ID. If you use the id attribute to specify the ID of a native Microsoft Outlook control, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop requires no more attributes except tab_order, if necessary. The class attribute defines the control type.
  • tab_order. Defines the tab order of the control. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays the control that contains the smallest tab_order value as the first control in the tab order. You can start at 1. If the control contains no tab_order, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does not include the control in the tab order.
  • allow_negative. The multi_currency control is the only control used with this attribute.
  • caption. For list control only.
  • type. The outlook_view control is the only control used with this attribute.
  • view_id. The outlook_view control is the only control used with this attribute.

The following controls support the control element:

  • button
  • check box
  • gradient_checkbox

Control Element Tags

The control element includes the following tags. These tags depend on the name of the parent control element:

  • source. Used for multivalue controls, such as combobox, lookup, and mvg_primary_selector. It defines the objects that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays in this control. It includes the following attributes:
    • type. Defines the type of an object that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays in the current control. Objects of this type must be described in the basic_mapping.xml file.
    • display_format. Defines what object fields Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays in a control. Used for the mvg_primary_selector control only.
    • format. The same as the display_format element but it is applied to other controls.
    • field. Defines what object field is chosen as a value in a box. Used for the combobox control only.
    • left_id. Defines a field on a related object where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores the ID of the parent object. This is the ID of the current object on which the left_id control is used. Used for the mvg_primary_selector control only.
    • item_value. Defines a field on a related object where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores the ID of the parent object. This is the ID of the chosen object. Used for the mvg_primary_selector control only.
  • text. Defines the text that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses for the control. You use this element primarily for the label control.
  • field. Contains the field identifier with which this control works:
    • This field element must be described in the od_basic_mapping.xml file.
    • Contains one attribute, value, which Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses for edit controls only. This attribute describes the type of the value for the field.
    • The following values are available: string, binary, int, double, or currency.
    • The API name field is an example of a field identifier.

Example Code of the Control Element

The following code is an example of the edit control element:

   <edit id="0x10000" max_chars="100" tab_order="7">
      <field value="string">Name</field>

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