Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code for Meta Information >

Open_with_url_tmpl Element of the od_meta_info.xml File

You can use the open_with_url_tmpl element in the definition of an object type. You use this element to specify a template that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses to open records of this object type in Oracle CRM On Demand.

The open_with_url_tmpl element includes the following format:

   "URL template"

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses macros in the CDATA section for the attributes that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses in the open_with_url_tmpl template. Each attribute includes the following format:


A series of attributes in the command uses the following format:



  • protocol is automatically replaced with the URL protocol. The value is http or https.
  • hostname is automatically replaced with the name of the Oracle CRM On Demand server.
  • port is automatically replaced with the port number of the Oracle CRM On Demand server.
  • own_id is automatically replaced with the object ID that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses to open Oracle CRM On Demand.

For each macro in the command, Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop replaces the macro with the value at run time. The definition of the template must be enclosed in a CDATA construct. For example, you can use the following code for account objects:


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