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How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Allotment Errors

Multiple allotment errors can occur during the deployment phase and also during the synchronization process. The disrupted synchronization might be aborted or might restart when the allotment becomes available.

It is recommended that you use an accurate filter to limit the amount of data synchronized to the user. It is recommended that you purge unnecessary records and attachments to free space for Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.

The following error is a license allotment error that the company administrator can receive when trying to assign a privilege to a role, or a role to a user:

You have exceeded the number of licenses for your company. Please contact your Oracle CRM On Demand Sales Representative to discuss licensing options.

This error occurs when you are trying to assign the Enable CRM Desktop privilege to too many users in your company. It is recommended that you either purchase additional licenses or that you move users to a new role to control the license assignment.

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide, Version 5.2 Revision A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.